
Fugue [web] [demozoo] [glöplog]
type prodname platform release party release date rulez piggie sucks avg popularity last comment
demo demotool Windows assorted lines 3rd at Syntax 2014 november 2014 2 2 0 0.50
rulez 2014-11-23 14:50:42 mudlord
demo Windows Flight of the Spironaut 3rd at Syntax 2015 november 2015 9 5 0 0.64
isok 2019-05-09 12:57:56 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo Windows Praxis 5th at Flashback 2013 june 2013 1 2 0 0.33
rulez 2013-11-23 10:49:57 Gaia
wild Windows Synthbench 3rd at Flashback 2011 june 2011 2 0 0 1.00
rulez 2011-07-31 01:40:59 T$
demo Windows The Cave 2nd at Syntax 2011 november 2011 11 10 2 0.39
sucks 2019-06-20 12:59:44 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
wild Windows wikireadersim 5th at Flashback 2011 june 2011 1 0 0 1.00
rulez 2011-07-31 01:38:06 T$
demo Windows wtf-atabimp 2nd at Flashback 2011 june 2011 1 4 1 0.00
isok 2011-07-31 01:50:02 T$
added on the 2011-06-22 07:03:20 by fugue fugue