
exceed anniversary party 2006 results

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 $$$$              % the 10 years anniversary party · 2006 %             $$$$
 $$$$              % held @ budapest, hungary · 2006.12.16 %             $$$$
 $$$$                                                                    $$$$
 $$$$                                                                    $$$$
 $$$$  · ─ ─ ── ────────────────────────────────────────────── ── ─ ─ ·  $$$$
 $$$$    % these are the one and only official competition results! %    $$$$
 $$$$  · ─ ─ ── ────────────────────────────────────────────── ── ─ ─ ·  $$$$
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 $$$$  .                                                                 $$$$
 $$$$  | % tribute2exceed competition %                                  $$$$
 $$$$  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ── ─ ─ ·  $$$$
 $$$$  #  name and author                                        points  $$$$
 $$$$                                                                    $$$$
 $$$$  1. pina preview by nap/dilemma .............................. 47+ $$$$
 $$$$  2. exid by nap&rascy/dilemma ................................ 47  $$$$
 $$$$  3. spot development video by warpig/exceed .................. 45  $$$$
 $$$$  4. heaven7 on the way to heaven remix by gargaj/conspiracy .. 37  $$$$
 $$$$   . story magazin exceed különszám by lacoste/capanσa ........ 37  $$$$
 $$$$                                                                    $$$$
 $$$$  .                                                                 $$$$
 $$$$  | % quiz competition %                                            $$$$
 $$$$  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ── ─ ─ ·  $$$$
 $$$$  name                                                      points  $$$$
 $$$$                                                                    $$$$
 $$$$  maxie/w ..................................................... 10  $$$$
 $$$$  nap/dilemma ................................................. 10  $$$$
 $$$$                                                                    $$$$
 $$$$                                                                    $$$$
 $$$$  · ─ ─ ── ────────────────────────────────────────────── ── ─ ─ ·  $$$$
 $$$$    % greetings & thanks to all the people who came to see us! %    $$$$
 $$$$  · ─ ─ ── ────────────────────────────────────────────── ── ─ ─ ·  $$$$
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 $$$$.                                                                  .$$$$