
GREP White 2008 results

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                     »░*######################▓    GREP  /
                         ~▓##################P          /   WHITE
                                 ▓▓###########s    ½½½  2008  ╗╗╗

        Combined Demo
        01. ADA - Life on a grid (Amiga)                        53
        02. Noice - Invasion of the big pixels (MSX 1)          44
        03. Y&P Productions - Goodkin (PC Windows)              37
        04. Laxative Effects - Get ass (Amiga)                  11
        05. Introx - Jesus is my friend	(C64)                   1
        06. Introx - Big balls (PC Linux)                       0

        Gfx Pixel
        01. Frost / Tulou - Det ni f÷rnekar (Amiga)             62
        02. Browallia / Nukleus - Homeland Rendezvous (Amiga)   34
        03. Malmix / Fatzone - Fried (C64)                      29
        04. Olle / Traktor - Indie-Jan (Amiga)                  10

        Wild Music
        01. Joule & Koox / Satanic Kids - Caroline in neon (XM) 43
        02. Olle / Traktor - Polkka (Mod)                       28
        03. Esau / Traktor - VΣrldens dσligaste skit (Mod)      23
        04. Blakkhar / Moodsplateau - Acidtrack3 (Mod)          15

        Chip Music
        01. Klegg / Panda Design - CP-Rock! (C64)               37
        02. RadiantX / Panda Design - Party Jamming (C64)       31
            Elektro / Veezya - Pierz, Pierz! (Amiga AHX)        31
        03. Olle / Traktor - Friggebo (Amiga Mod)               12
        04. D Vibe / Nature - Gott & Blandat (C64)              9
        05. Marvin / DPS - Hearesy (C64)                        2

        Ascii Grep Logo
        01. Dalton / Tulou - grep08w                            49
        02. Pumbaa / Traktor - gwhite08_1                       29
        03. Diox / Introx - grepasciibydiox                     28

        Fast Music Metal
        01. D Vibe / Nature - Hairrock3                         14
        02. Olle / Traktor - Entaktare                          9
        03. Altruist / Tulou - Cravat                           7
        04. Frost / Tulou - Necro-riff                          6
        05. Zickbone / CMD - B÷gigt Bogvisir                    4
        06. Todi / Tulou - En fin sak                           2
        07. Pumbaa / Traktor - Svens sexa                       0

        Amiga Demo Quiz (45 pts max)
        01. Dalton / Tulou		                        23.5 
        02. Bonkers / Tulou		                        20
        03. Malmix / Nature		                        16
        04. Pezac / Nature		                        15
        05. Cefa / Nukleus		                        15
        06. D Vibe / Nature		                        13.5
        07. Frost / Tulou		                        11.5
        08. Olle / Traktor		                        11
        09. Pipe / Nature		                        11
        10. Pumbaa / Traktor		                        9
        12. Yomat / Nature		                        9
        13. Todi / Tulou		                        6
        14. Altruist / Tulou		                        5.75

        GREP White 2008 MasterBlaster Tournament
        01. Bore
        02. Esau
        03. Olle

        Tournament Charts

        Zickbone »»»»T»»T»» Frost »»»»»»»T»»T»» Bore »»»T»» -=> Bore <=-
        Cefa --------+  |   Bore --------+  |   Olle --+'
        Erim -------+'  |   Todi -------+'  |   Esau --'
        Frost -----+'   |   Dalton ----+'   |
        Bore ------'    |   Lance -----'    |
                        /                   |
        Todi »»»»»»»»T»»                    |
        Dalton ------+                      |
        Radiantx ---+'                      |
        Bonkers ---+'                       |
        Lance -----'                        |
        Pipe »»»»»»»»T»»T»» Pipe »»»»»»»»T»»
        Adellan -----+  |   Diox --------+
        Pumbaa -----+'  |   Olle -------+'
        Gammy -----+'   |   Esau ------+'
        Diox ------'    |   
        Olle »»»»»»»»T»»	
        Esau --------+
        Altruist ---+'
        Malmix ----+'