
Skeneklubi 2019 results

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 \_     \/      /    __   _/_     \/      //    \  \      /    \/      //   /\
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   \____\      \ \_____\______\_______\  \  /\__\      \  /\_______\  \  /h7
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                   \       /     / /       /     /     //    ___/_\    \/  /\
   skeneklubi      /     __    _/_/       /     /     //    _    //        \ \
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----------- -- - \_______\_______\\________\__________/__________/________/  \
                  \       \       \\        \         \          \        \  /

 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \
 //  info      _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

 Skeneklubi, Helsinki, Finland
 Contact a local scener to get yourself inside

 Expect: demos, compos, drinks, fun

 RIP DDT / Accession 1970 - 2019

 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \
 //  Entrance  _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

 Skeneklubi Ry members: free

 Not a member of Skeneklubi:
 - With entry: free
 - Without entry: 10 EUR

 NOTE: Skeneklubi has no doorbell or general phone number.
 Call someone at the party or contact organizers to get in.

 More info, if needed, from gmail address: jumalauta15v

 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \
 //  Schedule  _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

 12:00 - Free time to create and test compo entries
 12:00 - DEADLINE: Remote entries
 18:00 - Party starts
 18:30 - DEADLINE: All entries
 21:00 - Compos
 ??:?? - Vote deadline
 ??:?? - Prizegiving
 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \
 //  Compos    _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

  Remote + local submissions gmail address: jumalauta15v

  * Freestyle & photo graphics compo.
    => Something in PNG/JPG format

  * Nosfe's #totalsellout compo
    => 1st rule 50% of the profits from #totalsellout COMPO will go to lennu's funeralfund
    => 2nd rule for #totalsellout cash, mobilepay, siirto, bank transfer and written debt agreement accepted as payment
    => 3rd rule you get points for winning an auction, the one with most points wins the compo prize

  * Wild compo
    => Anything goes, videos, performances etc...

  * Music compo
    => MP3/OGG preferred
    => Trackers accepted if can be run easily in the compo machine

  - Combined demo/intro compo
    => Anything that we can easily run in our Windows compo PC.
    => For any other platform video is preferred

  Categories may be split (like demo and intro separately), if enough entries.
  If not enough entries categories may be are combined as we see best.
  Local laws apply.

 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \ 
 //  Compo PC  _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

  Klubi PC (mediocre + NVidia + Windows 10)
  Klubi projector (HD)

  Realtime entries run AS-IS. If you have other platforms,
  be prepared to setup emulators or give clear instructions.

 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \ 
 //  Results   _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

  For all compos except totalsellout compo, voting was done
  by using a decibel meter. Decibel level, i.e. vote, was taken after
  the entry was shown. Audience was aware of the voting mechanism after
  all the compos ended.
  Denon (fuckings!) amplifier *crashed* during Mankeli's music entry
  and AateKorjaamo's demo entry. Reruns might have negatively impacted
  the vote results for those entries.
  Music compo:
  01.  #05  84.6 dB  BassCadet - 70's won't give up
  02.  #10  84.2 dB  p-kl/Jumalauta - strike to attack
  03.  #08  82.2 dB  Jean Nine - Per Celer (j9_perce.xm) 
  04.  #11  82.0 dB  Juzdie - 500 Amigas En El Club (jzd_500a.mod)
  05.  #09  80.1 dB  Juzdie - 155k Goldie (jzd_155k.mod)
  06.  #07  80.0 dB  Little_Bitchard - All Your Base (Are Belong To Us)
  07.  #04  77.9 dB  Mergente - Voyage
  08.  #06  77.0 dB  Monolith Resistor presents - Lars Uhmakazz - Ovi on parempi A-vata [ISO Kvanttiporeilu]
  09.  #03  75.2 dB  Mankeli / Extend - Ninjas & Mansions
  10.  #01  74.2 dB  M.O.T. / Jumalauta - Vihan appelsiinit (appelsiini.mp3)
  11.  #02  74.0 dB  Arttu Wiskari - Hellcruise (hellcruise.mp3)
  out-of-compo: Reed - Last call (RIP DDT)
  gfx/photo combined:
  01.  #07  80.3 dB  Senile Dijon - The Great Nordic Trend Kill (The Senile_Dijon_-_The_Great_Nordic_Trend____kill.jpg)
  02.  #08  78.4 dB  branch - Lost Levels from a intro (aibdgDF.jpg.png)
  03.  #09  77.4 dB  zefyros/GIN - Outside the box (zfr-otb.png, Details: PC Block ANSI, ICE colors)
  04.  #04  75.4 dB  Haluttu, maksullinen / JML - JML Cloud Services (hmn-jml_cloudservice.jpg)
  05.  #01  74.0 dB  M.O.T. / Jumalauta - Stan's previously owned färjan (stan.jpg)
  06.  #02  72.1 dB  Slerbal - Yksi entry lisää (Photocomp.png)
  07.  #03  70.0 dB  Mergente - Virtaaja (Kukkaa kaikille.jpg)
  08.  #06  71.3 dB  nosfe - winter (nosfe-winter.JPG)
  09.  #05  69.0 dB  Burzum/JML - Danger (vaara.JPG)
  01.  #04  82.1 dB  Burzum/JML - Jumalauta name machine
  02.  #06  81.4 dB  Jumalauta - Coindure
  03.  #03  78.8 dB  JML shaky cam committee - JML Sweet 16 party report
  04.  #01  77.8 dB  iSO - Joulutonttu
  05.  #05  76.9 dB  Cheers for the best, fuckings to the rest (silent_moment.mpg)
  06.  #02  75.6 dB  jumalauta - Desert Färjan (VIDEO-2019-01-21-07-38-07.mp4)
  01.  dogo
  01.  spiikki
  oldskool combined:
  01.  #01  81.7 dB  Quadtrip - Lennu (C64 intro)
  02.  #03  78.4 dB  Excess Team / CAFeCREW - Road2CAFe (BK0011M 1K intro, remote)
  03.  #02  69.2 dB  Jumalauta - MSX Cruise 2019 Invitation (Super Nintendo)
  pc combined:
  01.  #06  83.1 dB  General Demos - General Demo
  02.  #08  82.8 dB  JUGZ - EEU (JUGZ-EEU.mp4)
  03.  #05  82.6 dB  Jumalauta - Night Drive II - Electric Demon (Tesla Model S P85D, tesla.MOV)
  04.  #04  82.0 dB  The Alberts - Aromatherapy
  05.  #07  79.3 dB  AateKorjaamo - AK-01: Pareidolia (Remember to empty cache in browser)
  06.  #01  76.3 dB  Jumalauta - Compofiller 2019-01-26 (jumalauta-farjan-2019-01-26)
  07.  #09  75.4 dB  NEXT-EMPIRE - PARTY ON (remote)
  08.  #03  74.7 dB  Jumalauta - Lennufarjan (lennufarjan)
  09.  #02  74.1 dB  thoron / iSO? - "Tässä on kaikki varastettua :D"
  10.  #00  73.6 dB  iSO & JML - Matka