
Broken Minds by The Lords Of The Bits [web]

-TLOTB. BrokenMinds.
  A mental disease experience.
  TLOTB doesn't take any responsability if you encounters any problem watching this.
  Mental perturbations, strange results, brain damage,etc,etc .. it's normal.
  The authors....
  Code: Astharoth, Liso, Corsario and Hgh .. 
  Graphics: 4nt4r3x
  Music: S0le
  Support: Wally and jikan.
  It's you encounters some problems running this under Gforce2/4 MX.... it's normal, buy a REAL card :)
  THe machine requiered¿?
  mmmm.... pentiumsomething1gigahertz?... 256MbRam? Directx8? SomeWin32? ... as usual.

See you in another "outoftime" production.

Astharoth at party place.
