
Juustomaariageneraattori by Exile Studios [web]

"Juusto-Maaria -generaattori" by Exile Studios (c) 2004
 An Alternative Party 2004 Release

0. Table of Contents
   1. System Requirements
   2. Running Instructions
   3. Credits
   4. Other

1. System Requirements

This demo will run on a win32 machine equípped with recently new
OpenGL drivers.

2. Running instructions

Try runme.bat. 

3. Credits

Exile Studios <exile@exile-studios.org>
Checkout more Juusto-Maarias @ http://www.exile-studios.org/

Code: Uh3f, Langa, Modust
Music: Macro
Sound effects: Macro, Modust
Original graphics: Odd
Additional graphics: Macro, Langa

4 Other

4.1 SDL

The source is available from the libraries page at the SDL website:

This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL license:

4.2 Xerxes-C

See xerces_license.txt

4.3 jpeglib
