
arid by Blackis [web]

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\fs72 Arid Readme\

\fs24 \
Version: release #1, 31.08.2001\

\fs36 \ul What is Arid?\

\fs28 \ulnone Arid is a demo made by Simon Finne, Mattias Nordling and Eric Hamilton. Also respectively known as "blackis", "isw" and "dilvie". If you are new to the demoscene, consider the following definition from Hornet:\
A demo is a program that displays a sound, music, and light show, usually in 3D. Demos are very fun to watch, because they seemingly do things that aren't possible on the machine they were programmed on. Essentially, demos "show off". They do so in usually one, two, or all three of three methods:\
- They show off the computer's hardware abilities\
- They show off the creative abilities of the demo group (artists, musicians)\
- They show off the programmer's abilities\
Demos are an art form. They blend mathematics, programming skill, and creativity into something incredible to watch and listen to.\
Arid was made for the iQuest 2001 PowerMac demo competition. http://www.macscene.org/iquest/\

\fs36 \ul Disclaimer
\fs28 \ulnone \
Arid is provided \'93AS IS\'94 and without warranty of any kind. Don't blame us. Period.\

\fs36 \ul Machine requirements\

\fs28 \ulnone Required:\
    Any PowerMac, no 68k support\
    40MB free memory\
    MacOS 8.6 (might work with older, but has not been tested)\
    OpenGL 1.1.2 (might work with older, but has not been tested)\
    DrawSprocket 1.7.3 (should work with much older versions, but has not been confirmed)\
    libmikmod (included)\
    400MHz PowerPC processor\
    ATI Rage 128\
    OpenGL 1.2.1\
    DrawSprocket 1.7.5\

\fs36 \ul Credits\

\fs18 \

\f1\fs28 \ulnone blackis.......: 
\f0 coding, modelling (greetings fx, water fx), misc graphics
\f1 \
\f0 modelling (room with computers)
\f1 \
\f0 music (http://www.mp3.com/erichamilton)
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\f0 F16 model, wood/metal/misc textures. License at http://www.3dcafe.com/asp/license.asp, used with permission: "All of the models/texture maps/software (referred herein as "datasets") available on 3DCAFE for download may be used royalty-free in your own work if you give proper credit to 3DCAFE.COM (i.e., Some models provided by 3DCAFE.com)."
\f1 \

\f0 MikMod is a free (LGPL) module player library used for playback in this demo. Their homepage is at http://www.mikmod.org, and the MacOS port can be found at http://www.algonet.se/~afb/mikmod/\

\f1 \

\f0\fs36 \ul Bugreports\

\fs28 \ulnone As this is a demo, supposed to enter the iQuest 2001 competition there will be no changes after the release except fixes for bugs that make the demo crash or not work at all. Please send bug reports about such bugs to simonfi@multi.fi. All other comments are also very welcome.
\fs36 \ul \
General comments\

\fs28 \ulnone After a discussion on the macdemos mailing list about whether to use OpenGL in demos or not, this demo was started as an experiment in order to learn OpenGL and see what it's like to use it in a demo. I, blackis, actually was against the use of OpenGL in demos but I think it's narrow-minded to have prejudices - therefor I decided to find out what it really is like making a demo with OpenGL.  A few weeks before the deadline isw joined and did some modelling, and the last night before iQuest dilvie promised that I could use some of his music =)\
The demo lacks some "demo feel", and is more or less just a couple of effects in a row. The reason for this is that no graphician/designer was involved from the beginning, and therefor no "theme" could really be made. :-/\

\fs36 \ul \

\fs28 \ulnone Arid will work on PowerMacs without hardware 3D accelerators, but it will be extremely slow.\

\fs36 \ul Misc notes\

\fs28 \ulnone Special thanks to Lana & Anton Kirczenow and Nicolas Bergeret for their work on the macscene.org site and for arranging the iQuest competition. Great work!\