
bof! by Kloon

         ³                                                    ²²  ³
         ³    °±²Û BoF! Û²±°                                 ²Û²  ³
         ³                    Final release          ²       ²Û²  ³
         ³   ²²      BY      ²²                     ²ÛÛ²²    ²Û²  ³
         ³   ²Û²           ²ÛÛ²                    ²ÛÛÛÛ²    ²Û²  ³
         ³    ²²          ²ÛÛÛ²                  ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²   ²Û²  ³
         ³    ²Û²        ²ÛÛÛÛ²   Ü Ü           ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²   ²Û²  ³
         ³    ²Û²      ²Û² ²ÛÛ²  ²ÛÛÛ²         ²ÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²  ²Û²  ³
         ³     ²²     ²Û²  ²ÛÛ²  ²ÛÛÛÛ²       ²ÛÛ² ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²  ²Û²  ³
         ³     ²²   ²Û²    ²ÛÛ²   ²² ²ÛÛ² Ü  ²ÛÛ²  ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²  ²Û²  ³
         ³     ²Û² ²Û²      ²Û²   ²²   ²Û² Û ²Û²   ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ² ²Û²  ³
         ³     ²ÛÛÛÛ²       ²Û²   ²Û²   ²Û²Û²Û²    ²ÛÛÛÛÛ²Û² ²Û²  ³
         ³     ²ÛÛÛ²        ²Û²   ²Û²   ²ÛÛÛÛÛ²   ²ÛÛÛÛÛ² ²Û²ÛÛ²  ³
         ³   ²ÛÛÛÛÛ²     ²ÛÛ Û²   ²ÛÛ²  ²ÛÛÛÛÛ²   ²ÛÛÛÛÛ² ²ÛÛÛÛ²  ³
         ³ ²ÛÛÛÛÛ²²ÛÛ²    ²ÛÛÛÛ²   ²Û²  ²Û²²Û Û²  ²ÛÛÛÛ²   ²ÛÛÛ²  ³
         ³    ²Û²  ²ÛÛÛÛ²   ²ÛÛÛÛ² ²ÛÛ²²Û²  ² ²Û² ²ÛÛÛ²   Z ²ÛÛ²  ³
         ³    ²Û²     ²ÛÛ²   ²² ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²      ²Û²ÛÛÛÛ²     ²ÛÛ²  ³
         ³     ²²       ²Û²   ²    ²ÛÛÛ²         ²Û²        ²ÛÛ²  ³
         ³    Code:Topilouf           ß            ß        ²  ²  ³
         ³    Concept & additionnal coding: Z                     ³
         ³    Soundtrack:Djamm            Diz:Bisounours/tinytoons³
         ³    Gfx:Vatin & Off                                     ³

                Himem,GuS,386 or highter(486 dx2-66 recommended). 
                Needs 500 kb of free base memory.
                        Not a commercial product
- Teo     (graphs):STEPHANE DESBONNET:143 rue vulfran Warme:80000 Amiens:France
- Z       (coder) :GREGORY COOLEN :3 RUE DU CHATEAU:80680 RUMIGNY:France        
- Djamm   (zicos) :RAYNALD DELIENS:148 rue de chaumont:60240 Blequencourt:France
- Cdrk    (coder) :CEDRIC DEVILLERS:3 rue du chateau:80800 Vaire sous Corbie
- Topilouf(coder) :PATRICE DUHAMEL:41bis rue A. Bisson : 60 Noailles
- Spleen  (coder) :DAVID PROTHAIS:4 rue aux dames:64140 Bailleval
- Tyby    (3ds)   :DAVID DEUX:174 rue robert lecoq:80000 Amiens
- Vatin   (graphs):JEAN-HYVES VATIN:11, rue remonterue:91560 Crosne
                                                                LE ROI
All in France...
kloon:kloon@ace.epita.fr (Z)                
You can get all our stuffs on the internet at:

 If you want to be on our Web links , please leave messages to Z.
 Anarchy * Aurora Borealis * Distorsion * Eko * Fascination * Epsilon
 Impact Studios * Imphobia * Agoa * Pulse * Hmd * Scoopex * Live!
 Melting Pot * Mwb * NoOoN * Orange * Proxima * Karma * Tpolm * Acme
 Zuul Desing * Eclipse * Dentifrice * Oxygene * Halcyon * Neutron * 
 Amour * Taste * Urinate * Escape * Funk! * Flower Corp ...

 * O'Menor.* Mogar *
 and the ultimate Bisounours/Tinytoons/aegis/telepathy/...


This intro wasn't plain to be released.We only decide to do something some
days ago.But, we tried to do something (with or without design).
Unfortunately,Gigafun ' 96 seems to be a lame party, our intro was ranked
at the last place.And a lot of people thought that we should have won.

        But who cares.                                          
We 've been ranked at the last place because our intro has been put on the
big screen after the intro competition.They,all people had already voted.
              |_______  Gigafun Organiser's crew SUXX.

To all my contacts:

        i lost all your adresses due to my HD failure :(
\-{No More}------------------------------------------------------------------