
Debut by Noir

                                   D è b u t
       +-----+                  --------------
       ¦  +--+-+                   .64_kB.           MiNimUM:
       ¦  ¦  ¦ ¦                   .InTRo.           PeNtiUm  90 + VGA cArD
       +--+--+ ¦              .fOr GRAVITY '98.      DOs MeMoRy 501 kb
          ¦    ¦             .PArTy COmPetItiOn.
          +----+                                     ReCoMmenDed:
                                ¦ dOnE  By ¦        PeNtiUm 133 + FaSt VGA
         +--+                       +----+           DoS MEmoRy 501 kb
         design                     ¦NOIR¦

                             .gfx       ¦Stachu
                             .msx       ¦GJ Pivko
                             .objects   ¦Adick
                             .code      ¦Max

                    Well... It's our very first production.

                                ¦ Zawisha Bros.
                                ¦ Dolph
                                ¦ Bober
                                ¦ Mazurek
                                ¦ Bulldog
                                ¦ Abes
                                ¦ Bobofrut
                                ¦ Boogi
                                ¦ Girls
                                  and the forgotten rest...