
Alive #09 by Alive Team [web]

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Hi there, finally we are finished with the mag, as usual there are some unsolved
issues with the shell, which means we had to fix it in a bad and ugly way.
Therefore we have no mod included this time, we will try to add that for the 
Outline Special after Easter. (Sorry 505, I hope you don't mind).

Machines higher than ST you will have to SWITCH TO ST-LOW RESOLUTION before
starting the shell, otherwise it will not start at all. I am sorry for this mess
but its better than a crashing shell I think.

There is something else, this mag is huge, the article stuff compresses to
something around 1,1 MB which means you are pretty much fucked if you only have
a plain ST without a HDD. Anyway we believe every serious Atarian owns at least
one machine with a HDD so this should not be too troublesome. However if there
is still demand for a single disk compliant mag we will split the mag.

So far for the bad news, what's the good ones?

Alive comes bundled with two major releases:

* Music Mon 2.1 SID by Dark Angel (including the Data Disk this time)
* Triplex by Damo

Additionally we have included some sources and executables you might like (check
the FILEZ folder)

And now enjoy "Alive meets UCM"


The Alive/UCM Team