
xa-004: bxinvitro by xAngle [web]

xAngle - xa-004: Beatbox 2005 Invitro
Party release at "Deadline 2007" 2005-04-16
This is an invitation to Beatbox 2005 created by trejs and danter of xAngle.
Music was composed by algar of TJC.

This invitro runs on Linux, MacOSX and Windows.

The xAngle Crew: http://xangle.cjb.net
TJC:             http://www.tjc.se
Beatbox:         http://beatbox.tjc.se
Deadline 2007:   http://deadline.pseudohacker.org/2007
Unixscene:       http://unixscene.kameli.net

Running on Linux
Run by entering linux, 'cd linux', and typing './xa-004-bxinvitro'.
You might need to do 'chmod +x xa-004-bxinvitro' before running it.

Running on MacOSX
Run by entering macosx, 'cd macosx', and typing './xa-004-bxinvitro'.
You might need to do 'chmod +x xa-004-bxinvitro' before running it.

Running on Windows
Run xa-004-bxinvitro.exe in the "win32" directory.

Requirements for Linux and MacOSX
SDL, SDL_mixer and libpng. Additionally if you want to compile with the launcher
activated, you will need fltk.