
Pyromania by Factor X

                       FACTOR X presents :

                        P Y R O M A N I A

                      first presented at the
                            PARTY 96


What do I need to run PYROMANIA correctly?

Well, you should have an 486 DX 2 and 4 MB RAM.
VGA is recommended, too.
Soundblaster is supported.
If you don't have a Pentium select a mixing rate which is not
higher than 22 KHZ. (22 KHZ is enough, you won't hear a big difference)

Who in the heck is Factor X ?

We are a new demo group.
MOONCHILD (former MSC) released a very shitty demo called MOOD with Sector 7,
but then founded an own (PC only) demo group. After that MEGA H joined,
followed by LUCIFER and CHRISTIAN. PYROMANIA is the very first demo of
Factor X and has to be good. We have the BURNING AMBITION to win the

Factor X are :

MOONCHILD  :  coding, design, raytracing
MEGA H     :  music (all)
LUCIFER    :  music (metal)
CHRISTIAN  :  raytracing

Why is your demo so lame ?

Because nobody helps us to get better!
If you are interested in swapping source-codes, music or graphics, etc. just
contact us (the address is at end of this file)

How can I contact Factor X ?

To contact us just write a letter to :

          Michael Sachner
          Breslauer Str. 20
          D-31655 Stadthagen
          Tel. 05721/73322