
Propaganda by inf


                 first presented at mekka symposium 2k+1
                   held somewhere in germany in april

  hurry done not following the INF traditions of 3d+babes.

  no mighty 3d scenes, not a harem full of cute babes.

launch requirements
  system........      win98/win2k.
  cpu...........      fast pentium 2 (p3 or athlon recommended).
  memory........      64mb. (128mb recommended).
  video.........      fast opengl accelerated 3d card (geforce2 recommended).
  audio.........      windows compatible soundcard.

  as the graphics are drawn in 640x480x24, please run the demo in 640x480 24/
  32bit to avoid unecessary scaling of the artwork.

  things might look crap if your gfx card doesn't support the following:
  .32bit/24bit frame buffer
  .32bit depth buffer
  .stencil buffer

the artsy crew
  code..........      krav                 are@sjulsen.com
  artwork.......      tmk                  tmk@earthling.net/tom@kalland.net
  soundtrack....      cornelius	           ...

  sound system..      fmod by firelight multimedia
  add. libs.....      libjpg by independent jpeg group

  note this.

"propganda" - 2001(c)INF