
vivid by Illi Recentes ImperatoreS

                                  december 2000

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                   ....::::::::''               ``::::::....
               ..:::::::::::' :     V i v i d       `:::::::::::.
              :::::::::::::   '                       :::'    `:::
               :::::::::::     music . . . . Dascon    ::     .::
                ::::::::::                             ::.  .:::
                 :::::::::     graphix . . .  Bandy    `:::::''
                 ::::::::              . . .  Cupid
                 `:::::::                                      .:::.
                  :::::::      code  . . . .  Cupid           ::'  ::
                  ::::::                                      `:::::'
                   ::::'    All effects in this intro             .::.
                   ::::    run at maximum framerate on            `::'
                    :::      an unexpanded Amiga 500
                    ::    Fuckings to Abyss, Potion and
                    ::    Spaceballs - you have no idea
                    :'       what oldsk00l means! ;)
 .  . .. .....::::::::............................................ .. . .  .

                        - IRIS - we vote for ourselves -