
route 1066 by ukscene allstars [web]

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     |                                                                  |
     |     live at sundown 2007 in budleigh, Devon, United Kingdom.     |
     |                                                                  |
     |         code/Design/3d: Smash/Fairlight                          |
     |                  Music: Keito/Alcatraz                           |
     |             Gfx/Design: Devistator/DualCrew-Shining              |
     |     Additional Support: Kustaa/Fairlight (3d models)             |
     |                         Destop/CNCD (lightwave tutoring)         |
     |                         Nicola (hand animation)                  |
     |                                                                  |
     |     This is the final version. The compo version shown at        |     
     |     Sundown 2007 was not released publically due to it's         |
     |     unfinished state.                                            |
     |                                                                  |
     |     Requires a fast PS2.0 gfx card, 512mb RAM and a good CPU.    |
     |                                                                  |
     |     Let's be honest. You aren't going to like this demo. It      |
     |     contains a lot of arrows, ribbons, graffiti and hip hop.     |
     |     Some of the code is reused, and you will find that boring.   |
     |     It contains dark british humour. It's solely done for the    |
     |     sake of showing some design ideas, there's no effects to     |
     |     stand and applaud about. It's not colourful. It doesn't      |
     |     have a party-shaking bass drum in it. The filesize is        |
     |     35mb, which is way more than the 64k you would like it to    |
     |     be. It won't even run on a 7 year old pc, and it doesn't     |
     |     have as nice effects as the latest NVIDIA DX10 tech demo.    |
     |     It wasn't the result of a team of professional artists       |
     |     working 12 hour days for 6 months.                           |
     |     It doesnt have any sci-fi or goth elements. It doesnt have   |
     |     any cubes, glenz vectors, copper bars or scroll texts. It    | 
     |     is not in any way cute. It is the opposite of everything     |
     |     you want to see in a demo.                                   |
     |                                                                  |
     |     Just don't bother watching and save yourself the anger it    |
     |     will cause you. You might get an ulcer. Nobody likes ulcers. |
     |     In fact, just go to your favourite demoscene flamebait site  |
     |     and thumb it down directly without watching it.              |
     |                                                                  |     
     |     Group Greets:                                                |     
     |     fairlight cncd orange moppi asd andromeda triad              |
     |     dualcrewshining shitfaced clowns conspiracy farbrausch       |
     |     uprough mfx synesthetics portal process loonies tulou        |
     |     rgba alcatraz bdse tbl atebit xplsv mawi ephidrena           |
     |     spaceballs hooyprogram trsi brainstorm cocoon plastic        |
     |     iris focus booze design cosine Chorus plush orb              |
     |                                                                  |     
     |     Smash sends greets to Reed, Mazor, Pantaloon, Destop,        |
     |     Kustaa, Hyde, Nytrik, and all the active ukscene allstars.   |     
     |                                                                  |     
     |     Dvs sends personal greets to Andy, Anne, Giles, Ronny,       |
     |     Frank, Paul(evil), Ilmari, Sal-One, DIP!, Bonkers            |
     |     and the other active Ukscene Allstars <3.                    |
     |                                                                  |
     |     Parts of samples used (vocals) in the soundtrack:            |
     |     Hawk - H-Town Stomp                                          |
     |     Heat - Excuse Me Baby (feat. Chingy)                         |
     |     Gucci Mane - Money Dont Matter                               |
     |     Peggy Lee with George Shearing - Do I love you               |
     |     Young Snead (feat. Gucci Mane) - Bounce Dat                  |
     |                                                                  |
     |                                                                  |
     |                 ~ IN CUNNUNISTAS CONFIDIMUS ~                    |
     |                                                                  |

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