
Secret Garden by acidrain [web]

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  .________.             .________.                               .________.
   \\_____(  requirments  )_____//=================================)_____//

            486 w/ 387 math co-processor and about 14 megs of ram

            though a fast pentium (166 or above) recommended

  .________.         .________.                                   .________.
   \\_____(  credits  )_____//=====================================)_____//

            melwyn      -  music

            nemesulku   -  pixels

            parkitus    -  ascii

            tapeworm    -  3d engine and some stuff

  .________.           .________.                                 .________.
   \\_____(  greetings  )_____//===================================)_____//

            melwyn      -  sola and viznut

            nemesulku   -  parkitus and dalammas

            parkitus    -  "laita siihen jotain paskaa"

  .________.                                   .________.          ._______.
   \\_____(=====================================\\_____(  o2.o1.99  )_____//