
Assembly 2009 invitation by Andromeda [web] & Excess [web] & NoooN

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                              V  e x c e s s  V

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                               V  n o o o n  V
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   /______|                                                          /______|

     ::                                                                ::
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     .                                                                  .
     :                 _                             _                  :
     `-----------------V  a s s e m b l y   2 0 0 9  V------------------'

       There is one true tradition.  Every summer since 1992.  Assembly.

                     Will you put your mark in HISTORY?

   code:  andersson
    ______________ ____\   |______________ ________ _______ _______ _______
   _\   _  |   _ /_|    \  |   ____|    _ \|  ____/|  ____/|      /_    _ /_
.. \   (/  |   //  |   (/  |    _)_|   (/__|_____  |_____  |   |   |    // | .

   code: hyde
   _____               _____
   |   |___ _______ ___|   |_______
   |   _   |   |  /_       |  ____/_
.. |   |   |   |   |   |   |  _|   |  ........................................
   |___|___|____   |_______|_______|

   music: gloom
    _______|   |___ _______ _______ _______
   |   ___/|   |   |      /_      /_   _  /---,
.. |   |_  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   /   |  |  .............................

   graphics: ra

   _______   /  \
   |    _ \_/    \
.. |   (/__/      \ ..........................................................
   |___/___\       \

   greets to all good people at solskogen. thanks to ne7 for the lovely ascii.

        nFO fILE bY nE7 iN 2009 fOR aNDROMEDA aND aSSEMBLY > bIG lOVE!