
Snop by Contraz [web]

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                               P R E S E N T S

                               -   S N O P  -

                            AT THE GATHERING 2002

                            Code:            Dran
                            3D engine:      Zelow
                            Gfx/design:      Dran
                            Music:  Xhale/DCS^HJB


Hardware requirements:


MC68020 (060 recommended)


4MB fastram


About this demo:

It's the usual story.... the demo was supposed to be released at KG 2017-16 but
as usual the time was too short.  And of course we didn't continue working on
the demo but waited until the last 2 weeks before TG.  And because of that this
demo contains the usual bugs and lack of optimizing and timing for slower Amigas
not equiped with a fat 060 :-)  Anyway, we hope you enjoy it cuz the demo  was 
meant as a piece of snack for your eyes.  Snop is a norwegian slang word for 
candy or sweets.



Dran: enordb2@frisurf.no
Zelow: martinzl@ifi.uio.no
Xhale: skodvin@online.no

Also be sure to visit the Contraz website at this temporary URL:


The site will "soon" completed :-)
