
Oldskool by Resistance [web]

----------[· R E S i S T A N C E  I N  T H E  Y E A R  2  0  1  1  ·]----------

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               ReSiStANCE iS bACK wiTH aNOTHER rELEASE fOR yOU

           RELEASE DATE............. 16.o7.2o11
           GENRE.................... Intro
           PLATFORM................. Amiga
           PARTY.................... Solskogen 2011

-----------[ Notes/Installation ]-----------------------------------------------

Should work on ANY Amiga and have been tested on a stock A500, A1200 as well
as 030 and 060 systems + several configurations of WinUAE.

                                                            tEAM RESiStANCE

-----------[ Join us? ]---------------------------------------------------------

If you are motivated and think you can assist us contact 4pLaY on #Resistance
at irc.freenode.net or contact@resistance.no



                     .x( Http://www.resistance.no )x.

----------[· R E S i S T A N C E  I N  T H E  Y E A R  2  0  1  1  ·]-----------