
Jumpy by Digital Murder [web]

          _________________                      _______         _______
     _____\___ _          /_________  -jumpy!  __\___   \_______/      /_
    \\_     /      /     /   \      \  _______/     /    /     /      ___\\
    . /    /     _/    _/     \      \/             ________      ___/ .
     /_________ _\___________ _\__ _\  /____/\______ _\sns/______ _\
  - -------------------------------- \/ ----------------------------------- -
                                                            by Digital Murder

                                 Second demo
                     No 3d hardware needed, no RIPed mp3
                      Win 9x/NT, Dos and Linux versions
                  All scenes rendered with a single sbuffer
                   All coded by Hulud on a Cyrix at 120Mhz
                         All 2d and 3d stuf by Alias
                        Kicking techno sound by Xenon
             About 180 bitmap files (8Mo of 2d/3d packed data)

*Material requirement:
    Pentium 120 Mhz.
    32 Mo Ram.
    Sound card (Gus, Sound Blaster or others).
    Vesa 2.0 video card (or univbe.exe started) for DOS version.
    Directx (works with 2.0 but better with 5.0) for Win 9x/Nt version.
    XLib started with A 16 BBP X SERVER for linux.

*Options for dos and linux version:
    -h          For command line description
    -nosound    Force no sound if problems with your sound card.
    -dummeronly Show only the drummer sequence.

*Dos version (the coolest i think...):
    Please start univbe if your video card doesn't support 320*240*16bbp 
    video mode.

*Linux version:
    The linux version is not included in the party version. 
    It's too big :(. (6Mo ???)
    Sorry but you must have a 16bpp X server.
    Lunch it with "startx -- -bpp 16".

*Drummer scene:
    Make your own drum solo!!

    Edit drum.xm and the drummer will play your new drum solo. 
    You can also create a new drum.xm file.
    Keep the instruments number and use even/odd tracks for 
    right/left hand !!
	Right hand:       even tracks
	Left hand:        odd tracks

    You can change samples but please, keep the number written below.

    Instruments          number
    -----------          ------
    Bass Drum              1h
    Snare Drum             2h
    Tom1                   4h
    Tom2                   5h
    Tom3                   6h
    Crash                  7h
    Low Snare              8h
    Ride Bell              9h
    Ride                  0ah
    Sticks                0bh
    Hit hat closed        0ch
    Hit hat closed low    0dh
    Hit hat opened        0eh
    Say hello 1           21h
    Say hello 2           22h
    Say hello 3           23h
    Tired                 24h

    Don't use 21h, 22h, 23h and 24h number.
    Put some 'w' effect in your module. At least 1 by pattern to keep a 
    good synchronization. You can trig some specials effects with this effect:
    (Warning: some combinaisons can crash the demo!)
    Effect                           Number
    ------                           ------
    Do Nothing                        W00
    Camera01                          W01
    Camera02                          W02
    Camera03                          W03
    Camera04                          W04
    Don't use this!! Crash!!          W05
    Camera06                          W06
    Camera07                          W07
    Flash                             W20
    Big Scroll                        W21
    Tv Effect On/Off                  W22
    DoYouWantToPlayDrumLikeMyBot      W25
    Wobbler                           W26
    Negative On/Off                   W27
    WatchIt On/Off                    W28
    Vertical Blur                     W29
    Tv Turned Off                     W2a
    Back Flash                        W2b
    Credits                           W2c

	You can use the -drummeronly option to show only the drummer scene.


                        -  - --=== HULUD ===-- -  -
                          ** all code-drum solo **
                           Name: Cyril Corvazier
                          Email: hulud@citeweb.net
                       WWW: http://hulud.citeweb.net
               ³                                            ³
               ³Thanks go to my girl friend Carole, and all ³
               ³      the "passages cloutes" rock band      ³
               ³  Oliver & Fred http://cloutes.citeweb.net  ³
               ³   Hello to some great coders and friends   ³
               ³  Skal (State of mind rulzzz, friendly guy) ³
               ³ Sed (Good hacking stuf-Linux/trash intros) ³
               ³        & Big help for linux version        ³
               ³  Cyg (Great asm coder, party every week!)  ³
               ³          Darwin (C++ this year?)           ³
               ³            Guille (Crazy coder)            ³
               ³         Tuo (S3d: Great 3d engine)         ³
               ³                                            ³
               ³     Take a look to my Pur3d II engine      ³
               ³   Perspective correct mapping, sbuffer,    ³
               ³ IK, plugins for 3dsmax, software rendering ³
               ³         morphing, BSP, shading...          ³
               ³     Windows, Dos, Linux, Unix versions     ³
               ³   (http://hulud.citeweb.net/pur3d2.html)   ³
               ³                                            ³
                        -  - --=== ALIAS ===-- -  -
                    ** all gfx-all 3d-all animations **
                        Name: Christophe Kermorgant
                  Email: christophe.kermorgant@devinci.fr
                    WWW: http://www.multimania.com/alias

               ³                                           ³
               ³Special thkx to all the graphists, coders, ³
               ³      and zicos of the volcanicV who       ³
               ³        supported us during parties.       ³
               ³    The baby is not pretty good animated   ³
               ³  'cause during the night I worked on it,  ³
               ³  a nymphomaniac called me for about 1h45, ³
               ³     I swear on the head of my mozeur.     ³
               ³                                           ³
               ³  Otherwise, I always kif on gfxs' made,   ³
               ³    Nytrik, tenchu, et big respect to...   ³
               ³ ... check it out the end of the demo and  ³
               ³                you'll see.                ³
               ³                                           ³
               ³   Hello to undertaker, Gregg, my school   ³
               ³friends and special beurk to all the mytho ³
               ³             of the institute.             ³
               ³                                           ³
               ³        A+ everyone and may the fun        ³
               ³            always stay with u!            ³
               ³                                           ³
               ³    PUB! http://www.multimania.com/alias   ³
               ³                                           ³
                        -  - --=== XENON ===-- -  -
                                ** music **
                          Name: Fabrice Tonnellier
                   Email: fabrice_t@post.club-internet.fr