
Christmas is Awesome 2 by Commodore Is Awesome [web]

Christmas is Awesome 2 by Commodore Is Awesome [C.I.A]
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(____  /\/\_/  \___  >____  >____/|__|_|  /\___  >   awesome.commodore.me
     \/            \/     \/            \/     \/ 

C.I.A Presents .. 'Christmas is Awesome 2'

Credits :
Code	 .... 	Richard of Blazon, People of Liberty, Psytronik Software, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension
Music	 .... 	Reyn Ouwehand of Paradize, Scoop
Graphics .... 	JSL of Autumn Soft, Covenant, Creators, Raiders of the Lost Empire, Scene World Magazine, Software of Sweden, Tropyx
Design	 .... 	Richard of Blazon, People of Liberty, Psytronik Software, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension
Idea	 .... 	Kitty of Commodore Is Awesome


Look out for future C64 and Amiga productions by C.I.A

awesome.commodore.me - http://tnd64.unikat.sk

©Copyright 2011-2014 CommodoreisAwesome