
Uranus Flowers by The Bad Sectors [web]

        ___________   _______     _____________________________
       /____  ____/  / ____  \  / ,____________________________>
           / /      / /___/  / / /
          / /      /______-'~  | \____
         / /      / .___. \     \____ \    ------------------
        / /      / /____/ /          \ \  / The Bad Sectors /
       /_/      /________/           / /  ------------------
 ___________________________________/ /

 / Uranus Flowers /

Presented at Tokyo Demo Fest 2014

code & music & gfx: Blueghost


- For the Rasberry PI version: a Rasberry PI, obviously. :-)
  Please give 128 MB memory to the GPU or the demo will not run.
- For the PC version: 500 MHz CPU + 128MB RAM.
  For the Texture combiners profile you need a Geforce2/4MX of better GPU.
  For the GLSL profile: any GPU with GLSL support.
  The shaders are automatically generated by the engine
  from the material properties, so visually there is no difference
  between the two profiles.