
PT-01 by Scoopex [web]

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                          =======[ PT-01 ]=======

             =======[   Released at COMPUSPHERE 2014  ]=======


		     Instrument disk #1 with song demo

	   with instruments performed by Elfan on his Memory Moog

	 plus bonus instruments not (necessarily!!) from early 80s :)

    Hopefully you deem these samples clean and can use them in your songs!

	      - 8 more disks and a collection zip coming soon -


Demo credits:
Patch recording by Elfan, Sampling, code and test music by Photon
Font & deadline design by Photon, Logo by Frost

All made at CS (except the samples), my appreciation to Wasp & Notorious for a 
great attitude :)

Greets to orgas who made this a proper demoparty and a nice experience!

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