
Fractal Chaos by Sonik Clique [web]

            ___________           ______                          ______
       ____/     /    /__________/     /________  ______________ /     /
      /  _      /    /     /   _      /  __    / /  __    /    //     /
     /   /_____/   _      /   _/_____/   \     \/   \     \__      __/
    /_________/____/     /__________/____/     /____/     / /     /
                  /_____/               /_____/    /_____/ /_____/
                                       ______     ______  ______
            ___________________  _____/     /____/     / /     /
           /         /  __    / /   _      /   _      / /     /
          /_____/   /   \     \/   _/_____/   _/_____/ /_____/
             /     /____/     /__________/__________/ ______
            /_____/    /_____/                       /_____/
······························································[TXTPHUK v0.71]·

                                Fractal Chaos

                       (c) 1994 Slender/Sonik Clique

                           Released at Assembly'94


 This production is PD, so you can copy this as long as you don't ask ANY!
 money for this. The packet must be in it's original form containing files
 Assembly'94 organizers have a right to spread this on their CD.


 This  little piece of code  is  my first  production  on PC-machines.
 All coding is made in one day (14 hours),  which explains the quality
 of design. Everything is offcource 100% assembly  code.  At least 386
 is needed  to run this  production,  because of  the 32-bit  register
 usage and  32-bit memory addressing. A fast  VGA card is recommended.
 I have had PC for about three months now and I have coded iNTEL about
 one month, but the code is FAST! and tight,  runs easily in one frame
 even if I switch the turbo off on my 486 & ET4000.  The chaos doesn't
 have a bug in bottom right  corner - 4k was  just too less for bigger
 chaos  area.  Everything  in this intro  is realtime  calculated,  no
 animation is used.

   Greetings fly to:
     Murk, Oxide, Dragzter, Deflector, Tomy and All other members of
     The Infinite SONiC AmiGa,  Zei-El,  Monster,  Welmu,  Marthin.G
     and to everyone I forgot.

 The sourcecode of this intro is for sale for 50 FIM, which includes a disk.
 I will not pay for mailing service.

 To contact me write to:        Juha Pohto
                                Haaparannantie 12
                                61400 Ylistaro


   B B S   F O R   T H E   J I L T E D   G E N E R A T I O N !        [C·T]`94