
The Real Thing by Capacala

"[si:] on meri englanniksi. ei vaan kyll„ espanjaksi!"            
  ³                                                                ³ ³   Éͼ ÛÛ
  ³                                                                ÃÄÙ   ºº  ÛÛ
  ³                   The Documentation for                        ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³                T H E   R E A L   T H I N G                     ³     ºº  ÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³     ºº  ÛÛ
  ³             - an original Capacala production                  ³     ºº
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³  Pheww. The making of this demo (as it happens to be our very  ³     ÛÛ    
  ³ first major demo) was extremely time-consuming and frustrating ³     ÛÛ    
  ³ but as you can see, we made it in time... so no lousy "we're   ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ sorry but we ran out of time so our demo turned out like this" ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ -bullshit. The demo is exactly like we planned it.             ³     ºº
  ³  Okey, let's cut the crap and tell you the requirements of     ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ this demo:                                                     ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ
  ³ a 80386 computer (but preferably a fast 80486 or a pentium)    ³ ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ
  ³ VGA (the faster the better, VLB or PCI strongly recommended)   ³     ºº
  ³ 512K Gravis UltraSound (required)                              ³     ºº
  ³ about 2000K HDD space (this is not a floppy disk demo)         ³     ºº
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³  This demo competed in the Assembly '94 demo compo at Helsinki ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ Ice Hall in Finland during 5. - 7. 8. 1994.                    ³     ÛÛ  ÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³    ÛÛÛ  ÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛÛÛºÛÛÛÛ
  ³  We used the following software to make this demo:             ³     ºº 
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ TED 3.0   Borland Pascal 7.0   Turbo Assembler 3.2   Boxer 6.0 ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³      Deluxe Paint II Enhanced 3.2 Update   CompuShow 2000      ³ ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ
  ³   FastTracker 1.01   MultiTracker 1.01   ScreamTracker 3.01á   ³ ÛÛ  ÛÛ  ÛÛ
  ³    CapaMOD 1.1x   Dual Module Player 3.0x   MusicDiskPlayer    ³     ºº
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ 
  ³  We used the following hardware to make this demo:             ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³     ÛÛ  ÛÛ
  ³       80486SX-25   80486DX-33   80486DX2-50   80386DX-40       ³     ÛÛ  ÛÛ
  ³  Gravis UltraSound   SoundBlaster 16 ASP   Pro Audio Spectrum  ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³  Diamond Stealth 24 ISA   ATI VGA Wonder 512K   Trident 8900C  ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³     ºº
  ³  And then other accessories of mention:                        ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ Lapin Kulta III Erikois Olut   Coca-Cola   Lahden Erikois Olut ³ ÛÛ  ºº
  ³    Brewmaster's Brown Ale   Heineken IVA   Nestl‚ Lemon Tea    ³ ÛÛ  ºº
  ³  Bad Religion   Juice Leskinen   Crash Test Dummies   Skin Up  ³ ÛÛ  ºº
  ³     Capanossi   Kawai FS800 Superboard   Akai Hi-Fi System     ³ ÛÛ  ºº
  ³ Pioneer Hi-Fi Systems   Sony Hi-Fi System   Wilson Basket Ball ³     ºº
  ³                                                                ³     ºº
  ³  Credits of this demo:                                         ³     ºº
  ³                                                                ³     ºº
  ³    CODE                  -    flap and Passy                   ³     ºº  ÛÛ
  ³    GRAPHICS              -    flap                             ³     ºº  ÛÛ
  ³    MUSICS                -    Breeze and Spay                  ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³    BOOZING               -    Axolotl                          ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³    ADDITIONAL BOOZING    -    Breeze, Tetsuo and Trancer       ³     ºº  ÛÛ
  ³    BBS RUNNING           -    Trancer                          ³     ºº  ÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³     ºº
  ³  Now some TRUE information about the ASSEMBLY'94 democompo:    ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ Now, if you were present at the ASM'94, you probably know what ³     ÛÛ
  ³ I'm going to say... but what the hell, here goes:              ³     ÛÛ
  ³                                                                ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ I was quite surprised at the low quality of the demos in the   ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ compo, but then the turn for our demo came and we were very    ³     ºº
  ³ surprised (and pleased) to see it there. All went smoothly and ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ the first three minutes went exactly like planned (maybe even  ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ better), but after the TEKKn0 part (just at the beginning of   ³     ºº
  ³ a new part) our demo was cut off! Why? Then the screen said:   ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ "Time is running out..." Everyone booed and shouted, but to no ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ avail... then the screen said: "All demos from here on will be ³     ºÛÛÛ
  ³ shown only for 2-3 minutes. Agree?" And everyone agreed. But   ³    ÛÛÛ
  ³ all the demos that came after ours were shown fulltime, from   ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ the beginning to the end! "WHATTAHELL!" you might think, and   ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ so did I. And still I do. But the worst is yet to come. After  ³     ºº
  ³ all the demos were shown, the demos which were terminated be4  ³  ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ their ending were run again. But ours wasn't!!! THIS SUCKED    ³ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
  ³ _BIGTIME_!!!!! So all you Assembly'94 PC demo compo organizers ³ ÛÛ  ºº  ÛÛ
  ³ out there, shame on your worthless souls! And if you (you read-³ ÛÛ ÛÛº  ÛÛ
  ³ ing this text there) have seen this demo, you can agree with   ³ ÛÛÛÛÛºÛÛÛÛ
  ³ me that this isn't a shitty demo and certainly not a TEKKn0    ³  ÛÛÛººÛÛÛ
  ³ demo. It's only the first 3 minutes that are tekkn0, but as the³     ºº
  ³ demo was cut off in the end of our tekkn0 part, everyone just  ³    Éͼ
  ³ thought that whattahell, it's just another of these tekkn0-    ³    ȼ
  ³ demos! THIS _REALLY_ SUCKED!!!!! And if our demo sucked as much³
  ³ as they claimed, howcome there wasn't any booing? HUH????!!!!  ³
  ³                                                                ³
  ³ They had no reason to cut off the demo. For any opinion, con-  ³
  ³ tact me, either via DGi or by a message in THE DARKS¡DE.       ³
  ³                                                                ³
  ³  Watch out for our forthcoming productions, and meanwhile you  ³  ¤$1 á˜
  ³ could try to call our oh-ever-so-busy WHQ: THE DARKS¡DE :      ³  árZ/CC
  ³                                                                ³   (8Ox5O)
  ³  É»                                                        É»  ³
  ³ Éͼ         Node 1: +358 (9)0 294 1594    v32bis           ÈÍ» ³
  ³ ºº                                                          ºº ³
  ³Éͼ          Node 2: +358 (9)0 194 0467    v.FAST            ÈÍ»³
  ³È¼                                                            ȼ³
  ³                                                                ³
  ³  See CCINFO24.TXT for additional info on CAPACALA!!!!!!!!!!!!  ³
  ³  (strongly recommended if you want to contact us)              ³
  ³                                                                ³
³ B U L L S H I T   S C R O L L . . .                            ³ ³
"min„ leikkelin varpaankynsi„ ja ne kimpoilivat spaghettiin..."

                   - The Real Thing Since 1990 -

    ÛÛ     ÛÛ°°°°ÛÛ°°°°°ÛÛÛ°°°°ÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛ     ÛÛÛÛ 
    Û      Û    °°Û°°°°°°Û°°°°°°Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ    ÛÛÛÛÛÛ       It's
    Û   ÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛ  Û  ÛÛ°°Û°°ÛÛ°°Û ÛÛÛ    ÛÛ  ÛÛ ÛÛ    ÛÛ  ÛÛ
    Û  ÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛ  Û  ÛÛ  Û  ÛÛ°°Û ÛÛ     ÛÛ  ÛÛ ÛÛ    ÛÛ  ÛÛ      Always
    Û  ÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛ  Û  ÛÛ  Û  ÛÛ  Û ²²²    ²Û  ÛÛ ÛÛ    ÛÛ  ÛÛ
    Û  ÛÛÛÛÛ      Û     ÛÛ      Û ²²²²²² ²²²²²² ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ       Time
    Û  ÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛ  Û  ÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛ  Û  ²²²²² ²²  ²² ²²²²² ²²  ÛÛ
    Û   ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ                                   For
    Û             ÛÛÛÛÛ          Û   ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
    ÛÛ                           ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ     Capacala

                   - The Hard-Working All Stars -

  ³                                                          ³
  ³              Coming up... greetings in detail...         ³

  C A P A C A L A   G R E E T S   T H E   F O L L O W I N G   G R O U P S :

  Admire                 Dust                     Jeskola!Productions    
  Anarchy PC             Extreme                  Majic 12               
  B-Ware                 Five, and then Some      Mewlers                
  Cascada VR Section     Fusion: Fulmar Designs   Mindprobe              
  Chaos                  Fusion: Paragon          Orange                 
  Chaosium Inc           Fusion: Radiance         Silents PC             
  C.O.M.A.               Future Crew              Surprise!Productions   
  Core Image             Gollum                   Symptom                
  Demoniacs              Infiny                   Triton                 
  Diffusion PC           Iguana                   Visual Dreams DK       
  Distorsion             Imphobia Cascada         Weird Magic

  F L A P   G R E E T S . . .

   Diplomatic Greets...

  MikMak / Hardcode, Feenix / Epical, PSi / Future Crew, Robban / Cascada VRS,
  Otto / Virtual Visions, Cyberstrike / Renaissance, Marvel / Future Crew

   Personal Greets...

  Eccu (how I love you...), Liket / B-Ware, Samuel Audet, Core Image coders,
  Merlin / Illegal Function, Black Wolf(+Mari) / Demoniacs, Peak / Anarchy PC,
  Oliver Deiter / Condom Punchers! =), Trug & Abyss / Future Crew,
  Cannibal (Independent), Bionic / Visual Dreams DK, Weasel / Fulmar Designs,
  Braindead & Dynamixer / C.O.M.A., C.O.M.A. coders, Dealer - the SysOp of TIC
  Xaya Iccita (Independent), Shreyas (Independent), Price (Independent),
  Gimle / Symptom, Mika Manninen, Eero Lehtola

  S P A Y   G R E E T S . . .

   Diplomatic Greets...

  Zodiak / Cascada, Di33y / CNCD, Delorean, Chorus & Sid, Heatbeat / CNCD,
  Bru¤o / <whatever>, Mark Knopfler, Mike Oldfield

   Personal Greets...

  Maza / Sonic Amiga, Red Five (Independent), Mikko Kujala

  P A S S Y   G R E E T S . . .

   Diplomatic Greets...

  PSi / FC, Stone / Dust, Patrick Aalto (Independent)

   Personal Greets...

  Black <inva> / Omicron, Dealer - the SysOp of TIC, Core Image Coders

  B R E E Z E   G R E E T S . . .

   Diplomatic Greets...

  Purple Motion & Skaven / Future Crew, Zodiak / Imphobia Cascada,
  Svolkraq / Gollum, B-Man / Dust, Tonedeaf / Extreme, Lizardking / Triton,
  Chorus & Sid / Razor 1911, Vinyl / Mindprobe, Carlos Valderrama - gr8 hair!

   Personal Greets...

      Organizers of the Assembly'94 PC Demo Compo (how I love you...)

  Johanna, Jazz & Zteel / Diffusion PC DK, Demilich & Primarch / Core Image,
  Gimle / Symptom, Sulphur / Admire, Executioner & Royal / The European Tech.,
  Justice (Independent), Weasel / Fulmar Designs/Fusion, Liket / B-Ware,
  Bionic / Visual Dreams DK, Frontier / Data Warriors, M­G / Weird Magic,
  Corinthian & Sorbus / Mewlers, Xaya Iccita (Independent), N.I.K / Sonic PC,
  Elric / Creation, Zodiak / Imphobia Cascada, DGi readers, Gibson / Extreme,
  Dealer - the SysOp TIC, Trope / Chaos, Cymbal / Money Talks, Lumen / MD,
  Harri Heiskanen, Antti Kari, Johanna Lampi, Minna R„ty, Katja Mustonen, 
  Otto-Ville Kaukoniemi, Samuli-Matias Hakala, Arttu (independent)

  A X O L O T L   G R E E T S . . .

   Diplomatic Greets...

   Personal Greets...

  T R A N C E R   G R E E T S . . .

    I don't need no stinking diplomacy...

  Bionic / Visual Dreams DK, Braindead / COMA, Cannibal, Condor / Accession,
  Copter,  Gimle / sYmptom,  Greaser,  Hoplite / Orange,  Judge / Fleet,
  Judge Dredd / Radical Rhythms,  Mohawk,  Maniac / SC,  Misery / TCB,
  Pizza / Corp, Price, Tonic / sYmptom, Weasel / Fulmar Designs, Xaya Iccita

  Hope I didn't forget anybody as then you won't get your greets!

  T E T S U O   G R E E T S . . .

   Diplomatic Greets...

  Tsunami / Virtual Dreams / Fairlight, Airwalk / Polka Brothers,
  Genghis / Complex

   Personal Greets...

  GGS - the SysOp of Brahman, Jack (Independent), Arttu (Independent), 
  Orbis / Halo, GED (Independent), The Master / The Silents