
New Years Disc 2016 by PPS

New Years Disc 2015

Hello 2016! Hope you all got well into the new year and now are prepared for
our little greetings:

Disc 1 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density)
Getting into 2015		(3 screener)	by miker & PPs
Chi Bao				(sound)		by emkay
Happy New Year	 		(picture)	by Mario130XE
Fireworks 2016			(animation)	by miker
Blowsub				(game)		by Playsoft

Note: Getting into 2015 contains a TIP, that is not displayed 100% correct in
the demo. You'll find the original Y2016.TIP file on disc 5 for full pleasure.
The music should play correct on both PAL/NTSC - the color palletes are PAL

Disc 2 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density)
The Gift			(soundmenu)	by Agenda, MEC, Lamers & 505
Made with ATARI 800 (PAL)	(intro)		by philsan
Bam 2016			(intro)		by Creature XL
Filtermod			(sound)		by emkay
Rocky Horror Show (PAL)		(intro)		by philsan
NYD 2016 Nessie			(game)		by Sikor

Note: philsan has rendered both pictures with PAL palette (on this disc) and
with NTSC palette (on disc 4 and 5) for full pleasure regardless your
tv system.

Disc 3 - Codeman (Enhanced/Medium Density)
Codeman	(AUTORUN.BAS)		(game)		by Rockford

It's a Turbo Basic MindMaster type game.

Disc 4 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density)
Happy New Year			(picture)	by Mario130XE
MD201601			(intro)		by T.M.R.
Darklight			(sound)		by xxl
Mr. Bean			(picture)	by snicklin
Happy New Year Baby		(animation)	by miker
Made with ATARI 800 (NTSC)	(intro)		by philsan

Disc 5 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density)
Rocky Horror Show (NTSC)	(intro) 	by philsan
R.I.P. Lemmy			(picture)	by Stephen
Happy New Year			(picture)	by snicklin
Y2016.TIP			(picture)	by miker

Note: For viewing TIP on ATARI simply use tipview from eru. It's included in
the TipTools. You can find them here: https://github.com/epi/TipTools
Wow, 10 times NYD and every time some new people and some 'residents' doing
stuff for our ATARI. It's a pleasure to have that amount of creativity no
matter if one is a coder, a painter, a songwriter, a profi, a beginner or what
ever. Every entry brings a big smile into my face no matter on what level it is.
The fun being creative is/was my main intention when I first asked for some
snippets of your work and always, when I ask you again :)

We have seen a lot of cool things over the passed years. Hope to get even more
in the future.

Now have fun with this year's edition!

Happy New Year 2016!