
22nd Birthday Buntro by TomoAlien

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 This is the 22nd Birthday Buntro by TomoAlien
 Made for ZanaGB's 22nd Birthday, as celebrated on 15th January!

 She made a video capture already, and so far that was the only way you could
 see this was on YouTube. Because we're not Quite (zeo-x-s anyone?) we are
 releasing this. Not under the Boný group, considering it's not really a
 group release (TomoAlien is the only one who worked on it) and doesn't really
 fit anywhere within Boný catalogue... I guess it's a no-group release?

 Anyways, enjoy!

 Made in werkkzeug1, as usual.
 Graphics, Music, Design and 3D by TomoAlien.
 Apart from the ripped graphics...
 Like the Commodore's FastMem bunny, Apple's Sad Mac (bunnified and less sad),
 Sega's TMSS font and lots and lots of bunnies from Tumblr.

 Yeah, with that list of ripped stuff... Should've snuck "sosumi" into the
 music somewhere. :P

 Anyways, enjoy! It was rushed and I just didn't have heart to change the end
 for the final release... this bunny is too cute!

 Also congrats ZanaGB on joining Slipstream.
 It's kinda funny... she's doing more work in other demogroups...

 I should stop being a lazy bun.
