
32 kilobytes of Forkle

-- 32 kilobytes of Forkle --
------- Version 1.1 --------
---- by Roman Shuvalov -----
--- www.romanshuvalov.com --

32-kilobyte version of Forkle (www.letsplayforkle.com)

Written for this contest (RU): http://www.gamedev.ru/projects/forum/?id=209634
Link to pouet party: http://www.pouet.net/party.php?which=1757&when=2016

--- System Requirements ---
OpenGL 2.1
Windows XP and above
OpenAL is required only for Linux-version

--- Rules ---

Player is offered to build towers in right places and at right timing. There are two types of towers: basic to push the crystal and attacking to fight enemy towers. Towers can be built only inside visible area. Objective is to take the crystal to enemy base. 

--- Controls ---

LMB - create/upgrade tower
RMB - pan camera
Mouse wheel - zoom camera

--- Additional Features ---

Press F5 to let bot play for you and watch bot-vs-bot fight. 
