
No Time by Los Muchachos

NO TIME - ======================================================================

brought to you by

L O S    M U C H A C H O S

el code ............. Thunder
la musica ........... Monaco's
el GFX* ............. E-Mage

* except for Johny, the Dead Fish, drawn by Thunder

Midas Sound System by Sahara Surfers - Thanks!

Los Muchachos isn't really a group. We are 3 members of theEnd at different
levels. I'm an ex-member. E-Mage is a colaborator. Monaco's is an active member.

We started this stuff on the Tuesday before the party. We weren't going to
release any group production (theEnd made a demo), but HC/theEnd, the main party
organizer encouraged us and that's the crap you get.

All coding was done in 2 days and a half. All GFX in 1 day and the song was
composed in 1 and a half day. I'd say it got better than I tought it would be.

This is the party version. I don't know if I'll have time to fine tune this...
- ==============================================================================

Some greets:

HC, theEnd, Maiden, Athogui, S3Makers, the MODerators, Crazy Creations, Rogerio
and all the rest of the brazilian scene. And also thanks to those quake maniacs 
who helped at the party place!!

Stay cool! - ===================================================================