
Odnazhdy by Excess Team

Nick/Realname: Lasoft / Adam Bazaroff / Nik-O
Group: Excess team
Full name of work: Однажды
Compo: LowEnd Demo
Requirements: BK0011M + SMK512 Controller
Duration (minutes): 2:36
Contacts: lasoft@mail.ru, adam@bazaroff.com

You can download last version of БК emulator on http://gid.pdp-11.ru
But you need real hardware for full experience.

See you on

CAGLRCCC.R                    ЛАТ
 БЕЙСИК      (ВИЛЬНЮС,1986.07.24)

10 PRINT "Excess team, 2018"
20 PRINT "БК 0011м forever!"
30 END
Excess team, 2018
БК 0011м forever