
44 by Avena [web]

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                 SURPRISES YOU WITH A  4K-DEMO FOR ATARI ST       :  | |       
                                                                  .  : |       
                                   - 44 -                            . :       
                 -->         engineering by Tat         <--                    
                 -->   colorization by NBZ and Fried    <--                    
                 -->  shrinkling by Blueberry/Loonies   <--                    
                     technical infos and compatibility:                        
              This demo uses no hardware hacks and approx 160K                 
               BSS memory, so it should run on most hardware.                  
              Tested on a real 520STFM, a real STe and Hatari.                 
               It will also run at 60Hz and/or 16Mhz, but look                 
              and sound really bad. The lettering is based on:                 
              special thanks to Damo/RG, Decca and the rest of                 
                 Avena for prodding me back into production                    
               our greetings fly out to everyone who has kept                  
                 the Atari scene alive. You're all amazing.                    
                    - AVENA  WILL  RETURN...  POSSIBLY -