

  z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$        _____________________________________________
 J$`                    4$      z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
 $F   _______________   4$     J$`  3 Stockarna Snüse                        4$
 $F  |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$p  4$_____$F                                            4$
 $F   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯)$$$  4$$$$$$$F   Retro                                    4$
 $F  |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$U'  4$     $F   (c) 3ss Compoware                        4$
 $F               )$$$  4$     '$b                                          d$'
 $F               |$$$  4$       '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'  
 $F   ____________)$$$  4$            ||                                       
 $F  |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   4$        ____||_______________________________________
 $F                     4$      z$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
 $k  s t o c k a r n a  $$     J$`                                           4$
 $k      s n ü s e      $$     J$`                                           4$
 '$b                   d$'     $F   Code       : Mikael Stalvik              4$
   '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'       $F   Music      : Sonic Union                 4$
			                   $F   Graphics   : Mikael Stalvik              4$
                               $F   Prog Type  : Browser demo (use Chrome)   4$
                               $F   Released   : April 28, 2018              4$
                               '$b                                           d$
This demo is written in vanilla JavaScript. Best viewed in Chrome (untested in
other browsers). 
A quite quick machine is needed, no fancy 3-d card is needed though, since 
effects are software rendered.
Released at the Evolve Demo Party 2018-04-28

Startup (windows): Open a command shell in admin mode and type start.bat.
Open chrome and enter localhost:8080

Startup (MacOs/Linux): Open a shell/terminal and type sudo start.sh.
Open chrome and enter localhost:8080