
SillyPack 2k17 by JAC! [web]

              SILLY VENTURE 2017   ____              _____
    _____  __ 8-BIT RESULTS PACK___\  /___      _____|   |
  _/  __/__\/____  ____ ____  __\_  \/   /____ _\    |   |____._ ______ ______
 _\_____  \  |  /__|  /_\   \/   /      / _  /   \   |  __/   | \  __  \  _  /
 |   \/   /  | /   \ /   \_    _/ \    /  \_/ \ \    |  /  \     \ \/__/_ \_/ \
 |_______/___|_____/_____/|____|   \  /\______/__\___|_____/_____/_/\___/_____/
 !NE7        ___________     _______\/__
 5 bonuses -  7 musics - 12 graphics - 11 intros - 4 demos - 2 games - 7 wilds

 This pack contains a disk image in MyDos format with all Atari 8-bit releases
 of SillyVenture 2k17. I felt theye deserve a good presentation, especially
 the graphics and music releases for which no art pack/music disk exists.
 This pack comes with results viewer which also acts as a menu from where you
 can directly start all releases and read the readmes.
 The menu remains memory resident, so you don't have to load it again every
 time. This makes watching the graphics entries and listening to the music
 entries much more fun, especially on the real machine.
 If you use loadable speeders, you have to use the memory area $500-$5ff.
 For "SIO2SD TURBO" for example press "OPTION+START" at the boot screen.

 These are the controls for the menu: 
 * Pressing any key while the menu is loading takes you to the DOS shell.
 * Pressing RESET in the menu performs a cold start.
 * Pressing RESET in while a release is running returns to menu, if possible.
 * Further controls are displayed in the menu itself.

 The following releases have been patched by me for your seamless pleasure:

 * 256 Bytes Of Blues   - Now runs from DOS 2.5
 * Aliens from Waves    - Now runs from SillyPack, packed 22K to 6K
 * Bart                 - Now works with BASIC disabled
 * Dragon               - Now runs from MyDOS, CPU and RAM detection added
 * Film                 - Now performs cold start upon RESET instead of crash
 * Gretro Filler        - Now performs cold start upon RESET instead of crash
 * Happy Days           - Now runs from DOS 2.5, packed 12k to 10k
 * Homer                - Now works with BASIC disabled
 * InBlobs              - Now performs cold start upon RESET instead of crash
                          Packed 16K to 10K
 * juliaSM              - Now has DOS run address segment.
 * Nabuchodonosor 256b  - Now runs from DOS 2.5
 * Oldskool Pioneer     - Now runs from DOS 2.5
 * Reharden             - Now runs from DOS 2.5, packed 58K to 37K
 * Robbo Solucja        - Now performs cold start upon RESET instead of crash
 * SillyRainbow 2017    - Now runs from DOS 2.5, packed 14k to 3k
 * SillyVenture 2k17    - Now runs from DOS 2.5, packed 35k to 10k
 * WePlash              - Now runs with non Standard OS
 * Zg256( zee-g )       - Now runs from DOS 2.5
 Original ASCII artwork by NE7, Music "Tambumbi" by 505, menu by JAC!

 This download also contains a pre-configured Altirra installation.
 Just extract the archive to a folder and run "SillyPack2k17.bat".
 To run "WePlash" directly run "SillyPack2k17-WePlash.bat".