
vendetta by Nuance [web]

              NUANCE - VENDETTA

Released at Mekka - Symposium 1999 in Fallingbostel

System requirements:

    - 68030/50Mhz
    - 8MB RAM
    - AGA

    - 68040 with PPC (WarpUp)
    - or 68060

    - copy the 3 disks into one directory on your hd

Usage: nce-vendetta.exe (options)

    -noppc      - do not use the ppc-cpu
    -nodebug    - patch nothing (systemfriendlier)

Crediz for this production:

Mainpart Music  - Evrimsson
Endpart  Music  - Andy
Nice  Pictures  - Odin
Code & Gfx      - Sniper

Additional work:

Coding & Moral support  - R.A.Y  & Stingray
3D-Obj                  - Medi
Gfx                     - Fireball & Spider