
Karateka by Joker [web]

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                              J   O   K   E   R

                        P   R   E   S   E   N   T   S 

                           --- K A R A T E K A ---

                       40kB OFFtro (Only For Fun Intro)

                              ZX Spectrum 128kB

                        C o n t r i b u t i o n   t o
                         L o s t  P a r t y  2 0 1 9

               graphics ................................. At0m
               music .................................. Jammer
               code .................................. Dalthon

       The animation of a dancing Ninja - character from the 1984 "Karateka"
       game - first appeared on the Internet on October 23, 2004.

       The character has been created by Jordan Mechner, known for other
       fantastic game - "Prince of Persia".

       Unfortunatelly, the author that funny animation is unknown.

       This production is a way a tribute to that unknown artist :) 

                         Karateka (c) Jordan Mechner
              Arkos Tracker 2 Player (c)  Julien "Targhan" Névo
         Exomizer 2.0 algorithm/decoder (c) Magnus Lind & Metalbrain