
Resonance by Sundancer Inc. [web]

                             ['Resonance' (25.01.2002)]
                                     [Live at 0a000h:2]

 Fucking  loud.   And  damn private.   Not as much as I
 thought it would end up though.

 Everything  was (again)  done at  the partyplace.  The
 0a000h really  is a cool party.  Congrats to the orgas
 once again.

 The rocking  soundtrack was done by Hopper of Squoquo.
 Thank you. I owe you one.  Everything else was done by
 me.  Yes, it is a  sort of a  rush job.  But this is a
 party, you see? SAUFEN!

 And now, if you would  excuse me  please?  I will pass
 out from missing sleep...or too much alcohol...or from
 self pity. Whatever reaches me first. Have a nice day.

 Delax^Sundancer Inc.
