
[ # | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z ]
name sysop phone number
A Drug against War DataCrime +1-716-
A Southern Rendevouz (042)-26-xxxx
A Touch Of Eternity Drain/Daskmig +46-18-xxxxxx
A-Base +46
A.C.E. +33-1-XXXXXXX
Aberration +358-31-xxxxxxx
Abnormalia Bizarra +54-1-541-xxxx
Above The Law pM +49-30-XXXXXXX
Absolut Pee-Bee +46-(0)18-34xxxx
Absolute 0 Functional Disorder +1-905-889-55xx
Absolute Chaos Rave +1-514-
Absolute Zero Psy Chaotix +1-613-256-xxxx
Absolute Zero +61-9
Absolute Zero (UK) +44-642-469/300/739-XXX
Absolute! cQBs / Fazwonga / Skinhead / Ramses&Paso / Dipswitch +49-30-XXXXXXXX
Abstract Illusions
Abyss of Darkness Angel of Death +1-201-
AC/DC +31-2152-5XXXX
ACB Frank B. +49
Access Asperon +46-171-xxxxx
Access Denied The Wanderer +49-
Access Denied CR! +1-619-
Access Denied The Kracker +1-806-359-xxxx
Access Denied iCE/sPiRiS & rACOON/wARD +46-03XX
Accidental Connection
ACE 07-73xxxx
ACE +31-5980-
Aces High Norad +46-410-xxxxx
Aces High +46-(0)8-81xxxx
Acid Pond Angel + Trance +358-
Acid Slam Digiman +49-40-XXXXXX
Acid Trip -510-733-xxxx
Acido Argentino unabomber +541-xxx-xxxx
Acme Gec +31-71-532xxxx
Actium H.Q. loLL
Active 8 Jack 01777-xxxxxx
Active Net
Advanced Thoughtware Unlimited Sentinel -675-xxxx
Adventure +x-03486-xxxx
Adventure Marco Polo +33-1-XXXXXXXX
Aerosouls Hash / Spermwhale / Poskgubbe +358-9-855XXXX
Aesir Valkyrie +1-404-271-xxxx
After Shave +46-521-xxxxx
Age of Darkness Toadie +49-40-xxxx
Agent Orange Blitzkrieg +1-613-729-xxxx
Agents Of Fortune Butcher
Agony +358-51-375xxxx
Agony Hermol +33-9O.91.SUCK!
Air Force +49-4327-xxxxx
Air Jordans Ron P. +972-4-992xxxx
Akira +1-416-461-XXXX
Akira Diablo +31-70-3912XXX
Akira Project Devious Doze +1-416-512-xxxx
Akvalandia 358-0-777xxxx
Al's House of Meat 224-2561
Alcatraz Dirty Harry +1-416-282-xxxx
Alcatraz Deamon Knight
Alcatraz Black Guardian +217-384-xxxx
Alcatraz The Warden +519-
Alcatraz Australia +613-9-
Alchemists Society -818-772-xxxx
ALF's Bar and Grill +1-606-331-xxxx
Alien ≡data≡ +49-7022-xxxxx
Alien City HaNiBaL +33-
Alien's Starbase Mr. Alien +358-(9)0-xxxxxxx
Alienation -813-
Alliance Technologies GhostRider 416-
allura delusion
Almost Dead AmigaDemon +44-(0)422-xxxxxx
Almverzo Desnvdo Na7asio
Alpha 2000
Alpha 2010 Silus Guardian
Alpha Centaur Sprite +358-21-XXXXXX
Alpha Centauri -016-58xxxx
Alpha Centauri 069-308-xxxxx
Alpha Project Psonik +1-905-319-xxxx
Alpha Quadrant Excalibur +1-204-778-xxxx
Alt.Methods 305-9xx-xxx
Altar of Sacrifice
Altars of Madness +1-416-742-xxxx
Alter Ego +1-803-587-xxxx
Alter Ego +1·203·848·xxxx
Alter Reality
Altered Reality GT One +1-305-XXX-XXX
Altered Reality -613-887-xxxx
Altered Reality Zap +1-203-
Altern-8 Siniestro + Bandido +54-1-687-xxxx
Alternate Reality +1-617-575-xxxx
Alternate Reality +1-416-236-XXXX
Alternate Reality Lord Simultaneous +1-510-559-xxxx
Alternate Reality Max +508-630-xxxx
Alternative Nation +32
Alternative Worlds 514-664-xxxx
Alters of Death Digital Knight 416-628-xxxx
Altmark +49-0-3935-xxxxxx
Alumina Vertigo +31-71-579XXXX
Amazing BBS +34-3-799xxxx
Amber Corwin of Amber 914-779-xxxx
Ambient Nosferatu +46-8-664-xxxx
Ambient Hauze Abbot Dervish & Jimmy Jamez +7-095-958xxxx
Ambiquous +1
Amiga Is Alive iCE/pOiSON, rACOON/wARD +46-037xxxxxx
Amiga Line Freaks HRBERG +45-4353-xxxx
Amitech PsychoP +48-22-xxxxxx
Ammersee-Westcoast +49-8807-xxxxx
Amniotic Fluid +46
Amorphis 2Stoned +31-547-xxxxxx
Amorphous MayDay +358-(9)-60-xxxxxx
Amperage +49-2171-71xxxx
Amphetamine cYCL0Ne/^\mATHeWS +46
Anarchphobia GML
Anarchy Central Spastic Orangutan -609-
Anarchy in Finland The Cube
Anathema +47-55-
Ancension Peter L. +46-8-32xxxx
And Justice For All +1-519-
Aneurysm +1-908-270-xxxx
Angel City +47-2272xxxx
Angel Dust +1-206-631-xxxx
Angel Dust Wiz +54-01-xxx-xxxx
Angel World Fallen Angel / Hard Core / Rotox / Big Balls +1-416
Angels Castle Magneto +7-095-280-xxxx
Angels Of Death Morbid Angel +31-038-4227xxx
Angry Llama Logger Bill
Animal House Sidbarried -02-34xxxx
Anime Fanatics Eddie Huey +1-718-966-xxxx
Anime World Kegs +44
Ankeborg Duck +46-42-2937XX
Annihilation Excel
Anonymous -910-
Another Bad Creation LL Cool J
Another Way Of Life Substance -518-383-xxxx
Antarctica The Charlatan +1-519-734-xxxx
Antarctica Snow +49-306-XXXXXX
Anthrax Night Liner +49-(0)228-63xxxx
Antik +42-95-XXXXXX
Antons Corner Anton the Pimp +1-304-346-xxxx
Apathy Systemz Board Head +1-310-697-XXXX
Apocaliptic The Demon +972-3-906xxxx
Apocalypse Skunk +41-93-31-xxxx
Apocalypse 0181-785-xxxx
Apocalypse Now +1-206-838-xxxx
Apocrypha The Dream Master +1-512-832-xxxx
April Fools Practical Joker +1-613-7-
Aquarium Keldon / Fearflight / LA Shawn / Bogi / Chewie / Ironfist +46-31-xxxxxx
Aquila The Brain
Arachne Lucifers Fear +1-807-346-xxxx
Arakis +47
Arbeiter- und Bauern
Arcadia +1-215-333-xxxx
Arcane Tribal +61-7-5529-xxxx
Archaic Rebellions Fox +1-405-357-xxxx
Arctic Circle nUP! +358
Arctic Winds FC! +613-9873-xxxx
Are you sure ToconT +48-2-669xxxx
Area 51 Novanide +1-519-
Area 51 XZip +46-31-xxxxxx
Area 51 The Weazel +31-
Area 51 Cold Blooded + Lunitari 817-572-xxxx
Area Soft Miguel F. +34
Arete Eagle +1-201-984-xxxx
Argentine Generation Black Thorne +54-1-793-xxxx
Arise Chojin +32-15-XXXXXX
Aristo +49-211-xxxxxx
Arizona Mika Rantanen +358
Arkham Asylum Tijuana Bob & Horrid Nature +1-909-247-xxxx
Arkham Asylum Joker +1-908-686-XXXX
Arkon PET & R/\TOR +49
Army Of Darkness +49
Arrakis Shotgun 313-
Arrested Developement Criminal Justice +1-914-349-xxxx
Arrested Development Liquid Plumber +1-905-XXX-XXX
Artifacts of Evil Piss Pot +61-(0)2-xxx-xxxx
Artificial Dope Lizard & Cmos +49-231-xxxxxx
Artificial Intelligence Al Bundy
Artist Alliance +1-510-855-XXXX
Artwave Oddball +46-8-xxxxxxx
Ash Ock Underground (AOU) Marauder +1-519-928-2148
Asm House Archon +54-1-552-xxxx
Aspect-X Virii +1-604-655-xxxx
Assassins Domain Ogre
Assassins Guild BlackHawk +1-414-771-xxxx
Assembly Summer 2016 Pre-Demo and Compo stuff
Astral Plane
Astralasia Weezer +32-3-744-xxxx
Asylum Nitro +613-
Asylum The Wraith 407-367-xxxx
Asylum Assassin & Pzyko +358-0-xxxxxxx
Asylum (065)-253-xxxx
Asylum Wonko +613-831-xxxx
Asylum Destroyer -(250)-763-XXXX
Asylum +39-238003XXX
Asylum Juan +46
Asylum Lumberjack + shadow^master + floating^point +972-3-670xxxx
Asylum Sike +32-59-xxxxxx
Asylum Isle -905-275-xxxx
Asylum Isle +416-275-xxxx
Atari Blues Cooly +972-9-984XXX
Atlantic Scroud +46-42-XXXXXX
Atlantis Eryx +322-725-xxxx
Atlantis kraze +613-
Atlantis Sun King +1-416-652-XXXX
Atlantis +358-81-XXXXXXX
Atlantis The Snake -01820-xxxxx
Atlantis Power Maverick +34-3-285XXXX
Atom Heart Mother Zelex & Viznut +358-917-617XXXX
Atomic J.r +49
Atomic Cafe +503-635-xxxx
Atomic Comet +1-410-822-xxxx
Atomic Delusions Nuclear Dreamer +1-817-295-xxxx
Atomic Dustbin +1-713-852-xxxx
Atomic Garden Fatality
Atomic Zone
Attica The Warden
Attityd Negativ The Holy Gnu
Aurora Borealis Neurodancer +49-8621-xxxxx
Ausgebombt Cybertron / Lacoste / Sabine / Mooney / Sandman +46-520-XXXXX
Austintown +216-792-xxxx
Auto Exec Shaw + Lafond +1-508-833-xxxx
Avalon Exodus +1-219-865-xxxx
Avalon +49-7022-56xxxx
Avenging Force Nemesis +1-713-438-XXXX
Awad Randal N. + Dimitry D. +32-50-34xxxx
Ayla (.mUHADIB.) +49-2166-xxx
Ayres +55-21-
[ # | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z ]