the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2014-03-03
What's this "Commandore" speach impediment you say?
- 2014-03-04
So... "Professional mastering" costs $5000 - the same as "Making a documentary"? Huh. Odd -- some would argue, arbitrary -- stretch goal targets.
- 2014-03-07
Those pesky shaders indeed
- 2014-03-12
RT @Marc_Shake I am searching for an old #Demoscene release which was hosted at cyberbox in 1993-1994 called "Mirage Music Disk" PLZ reshare.
- 2014-03-17
An audio mixer I once had (many many years ago) came with a simple A4 sheet taped to the (rather large) manual behind it. It simply read: "This is the manual for people who don't read manuals."
The A4 "manual" was just a few simple things, like: "turn off your amp before plugging in the mixer" and "when the light turns red, you're overdriving the input" etc.
- 2014-03-19
Actually, fake users still believe they are interesting and relevant. It's their Modus Operandi.
- 2014-03-21
"Direct3D 12 works across all the Microsoft devices you care about" - oh, so none of them then.
- 2014-03-26
Fairlight goes Android. Compo goes BOOM.
- 2014-04-02
WsW: nah.
- 2014-04-21
The Chrome "oldskool"-demo finally ended? Yay! Oh wait no...
- 2014-04-24
Preacher: one of those guys spoke at NVScene (Michael Dille) - super cool dude
- 2014-08-16
Please people, feel free to complain that your OS launched 12 years ago and that was no longer sold to vendonrs 6 years ago and that has been killed by Microsoft does not run the demos released last week. Go on, that seems sensible.
- 2014-11-10
Oh snap, what will happen now?! A KICKSTARTER ON POUET?!?! *drama drama*
- 2014-12-01
"The Calling" or GTFO :)
- 2015-03-19
Gargaj failed at drinking proper beer hehehehe
- 2015-05-18
Why would you even attempt such a fool's errand?
- 2016-03-28
Steel: and yet, nobody does. Could it be that we care more about the audience than the prizes? Hm.. :)
- 2016-07-07
The reverse of scener sofa.
- 2016-08-07
Dear lord I hope that's not this year's top ASM demo. What randomness.
no excuse for a decade or so, no.
"7.1 Surround", or as I like to call it: mono.
- 2016-10-12
I put the track for "Super Medium" on SoundCloud: