the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2002-04-01
Hi =) Greets from SpinningKids team to all @ms2002 =)
- 2002-05-29
that fucking voting form is a) in italian b) very unclear for italian people
- 2002-06-10
ARGH! I can't remove my vote!
- 2002-08-22
Ehi! The parties disappeared!
- 2002-09-03
[url=""]did you say fart?[/url]
did you say SPAM ?
- 2002-09-22
Please make good intros!!!
- 2002-10-04
LNEPUX for the masses!
- 2002-10-14
Scandalous: "aN eWgene" by SpinningKids passed tube on the top10!
- 2002-10-15
I think I'll have some salmiakki now...
Yeah! I still have some turkish pepper candies here (from Dixan@assembly)
- 2002-10-16
Apple ][ is the future.
- 2002-10-28
Please make intros, not love.
- 2002-11-01
- we don't need no cocainetros -
- 2002-11-08
46535 comments + 193 (!)... there's somehting wrong...
- 2002-11-13
Pan is my name, and I'm a jerk, a complete asshole (as wowbagger told me)
- 2002-11-14
Bye Pouet... (too many crap prods, so little time)
- 2002-11-21
please, rollback the last pouet's months.
- 2002-12-31
- 2003-08-30
get a life, cause you really really need it
piss on you
- 2003-09-22
The scene is dead. True.
- 2003-09-26
or a teapot?
- 2004-01-04
gee! it works! (all your cookies are belong to us)
- 2004-08-27
fzzz... ghgh... fzzz...