the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2002-03-23
get a cookie coz u'll need one to post
- 2002-04-03
coders are the root of all the code in demos...
- 2002-04-04
optimus: 1000 glöps!!! keep it up!!
- 2002-04-09
- 2002-04-24
- 2002-05-07
dipswitch: you're mixing up the russian group called excess with the norwegian group... (but i like you anyway no hard feelings)
- 2002-05-17
peaches are rosa helikopter!!!!
- 2002-05-27
bhead: you're just jealous coz he has more glöps than you ;)
page created in 106.767939 seconds.
- 2002-06-12
partiledarmöterna hade möte igår...
- 2002-06-28
you guys make me feel guilty for adding nintendo as group
- 2002-08-17
- 2002-10-04
16 38 C65 Demo Zed Yago/K2
- 2002-12-11
spectrum - speccy, c64 - commy, plus4 - plussy, amiga - miggy, pc - pissy? :)
- 2003-01-06
life in 8 bits, it's fantastic!
- 2003-01-27
nelius: isn't greenland part of denmark still?
- 2003-02-12
- 2003-03-20
who mentioned a sable a while back?
- 2003-03-24
plz continue optimus :D
- 2003-07-05
Every morning I wake up, I rox
- 2003-08-01
i have spade :-))))
- 2004-01-21
nezbie: instructions $d9 and $08
- 2005-02-13
zest: on a similar computer
it's a clone of pdp-11, i recall reading that kgb agents stole the drawings or smth :)
- 2005-04-21
mega best software