
Zapilyator Compo 2014

added on the 2014-09-27 07:50:23 by nyuk nyuk
compo type prodname rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
crazy demo 5th demo ZX Spectrum Zapili mne demu Pifagorych! by AAA Band 1 3 2 -0.17
crazy demo 8th demo ZX Spectrum Phenolftalein 3 3 1 0.29
crazy demo 11th demo ZX Spectrum Coolcoder 1 3 3 -0.29
crazy demo 2nd demo ZX Spectrum 3drotatate by AAA Band 0 3 3 -0.50
crazy demo 1st demo ZX Spectrum Mopas by kabardcomp 11 3 2 0.56
crazy demo 6th demo ZX Spectrum Whorse 1 2 3 -0.33
crazy demo 7th demo ZX Spectrum ZapilatoRobot by Hacker VBI 1 2 3 -0.33
crazy demo 12th demo ZX Spectrum Cubed to Death 0 1 4 -0.80
crazy demo 3rd demo ZX Spectrum Max Iwamoto 1 3 0 0.25
crazy demo 9th demo ZX Spectrum DWON by Hacker VBI 2 4 3 -0.11
crazy demo 4th demo ZX Spectrum Времена года by Misha Pertsovsky 5 2 3 0.20
combined demo 6th demo ZX Enhanced Merhaba 1 5 1 0.00
combined demo 8th demo ZX Spectrum Zapilyator Mustdie! 3 2 1 0.33
combined demo 5th demo ZX Spectrum Satellite Demo 3 2 2 0.14
combined demo 7th demo ZX Spectrum Zapilyator Respects by Nodeus 1 3 2 -0.17
combined demo 3rd demo ZX Enhanced KOLBASS by Hacker VBI 5 2 3 0.20
combined demo 10th demo ZX Spectrum CyberJack 1 2 3 -0.33
combined demo 9th demo ZX Spectrum Кобылка 0 1 4 -0.80
combined demo 4th demo ZX Enhanced GirlSun by Hacker VBI 7 3 3 0.31
combined demo 1st demo ZX Spectrum Best Animation Megademo 6 3 3 0.25

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