
3BM openair 2015 results

   3BM OpenAir 2015

   Official results

   ZX Spectrum music compo                                                      

 # title                                                            vts pts  avg

 1 three bad mice                     luchibobra                     30 243 8,10
 2 Summertime                         MmcM                           29 230 7,93
 3 isglass                            wbc \\ b-state                 29 224 7,72
 4 The Citadel                        tayle^debris                   27 200 7,41
 5 chip night                         scalesmann/march[ing] cats feat yattak
                                                                     28 191 6,82
 6 beeper cigar                       Kakos_nonos                    27 167 6,19
 7 spanish candy                      scalesmann/march[ing] cats     28 172 6,14
 8 Candlemixx                         Abrimaal                       27 152 5,63
 9 ñðîñøèåñÿ áàëàíñèðóþùèå êàìíè â ïóñòûíå
                                      John Norton Irr                27 129 4,78

   ZX Spectrum realtime graphics compo                                          

 # title                                                            vts pts  avg

 1 Íå ñòîëü îòäàëåííîå áóäóùåå        Vassa                          38 311 8,18
 2 Medieval pixel compo               moroz1999                      37 271 7,32
 3 Bad Weather - No Power on Party    TmK                            38 239 6,29
 4 No Light                           dman                           37 225 6,08
 5 Bad Weather - Bad DiHalt           TmK                            39 234 6,00
 6 ck0M0p0x                           tayle^debris                   36 206 5,72
 7 Êðóòè áûñòðåé, à òî äåìû ëàãàþò    Kakos_nonos                    39 217 5,56
 8 Ïàòè áåç ýëåêòðè÷åñòâà             Misha Pertsovsky               38 206 5,42
 9 Ýëåêòðîøîêåð (Taser)               Vinnny                         37 173 4,68
10 da-da                              John Norton Irr                37 135 3,65

   ZX Spectrum graphics compo                                                   

 # title                                                            vts pts  avg

 1 Bat2Con                            Tutty/Paradise                 42 350 8,33
 2 Amur Tiger                         Dimidrol                       41 323 7,88
 3 banka                              KASik/Sinclair Club            42 325 7,74
 4 FRUCTUS                            prof4d                         41 307 7,49
 5 Drunk kung-fu                      Buddy^ERA Creative Group       43 319 7,42
 6 The Split Foundation               tayle/debris                   41 304 7,41
 7 Fuck the system                    prof4d & G.D.                  41 292 7,12
 8 Monstro                            Vassa                          41 278 6,78
 9 Gungirl                            dman                           42 260 6,19
10 Biker                              Tzerra^ERA Creative Group      42 255 6,07
11 The Intruder                       mr_r0ckers                     41 249 6,07
12 Samurai                            dman                           42 237 5,64
13 Goropic                            John Norton Irr                44 231 5,25

   ZX Spectrum Basic demo compo                                                 

 # title                                                            vts pts  avg

 1 silent attraction                  bay 6                          27 245 9,07
 2 video_pro_bas                      Misha Pertsovsky               28 206 7,36
 3 ff                                 G.D.                           28 187 6,68
 4 Lines in song                      Kabardcomp                     27 157 5,81
 5 3BM Heartbeat                      nodeus                         28 158 5,64
 6 Border3col                         Misha Pertsovsky               26 108 4,15

   ZX Spectrum demo compo                                                       

 # title                                                            vts pts  avg

 1 Eager (to live)                    Life on Mars                   32 278 8,69
 2 Guardians of the Scene             KPACKU                         29 209 7,21
 3 doing                              Kabardcomp                     32 221 6,91
 4 Mapped Show                        Misha Pertsovsky               29 129 4,45

   Enhanced demo compo                                                          

 # title                                                            vts pts  avg

 1 UnHinged                           VBI, SPKE, TAYLE               23 175 7,61

48 voters: 36 online + 12 at partyplace
online party management system provided by nyuk