six letter word by Loopit [web]
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popularity : 68% |
alltime top: #1356 |
added on the 2005-11-27 03:29:23 by hornet ![]() |
popularity helper
what the hell. no prod, no video...
I watched the video. It was likeable. The particles near the beginning and the greetz were my favourite bits. On the flip side, I didn't care for the blended stuff near the very end.
about dot com, WTF?!
nice design and gfx, but a little lack of coded effects and not particullary interesting music. But overall a nice demo
Great production, defently the best on trsac
binaries plzkthx
good demo
ruleor. even tho, sex is better when it's realtime. so please put up the executable.
the mpeg is kindof disturbing in many parts, looks good tho
Somebody page the raging germans to this prod, there's a swastika shape in this demo :)
Awesome particles
i likes!
this is a good prod ; oustanding graphics good music and synch : what else do you want ?
The design's a bit incoherent in places but all in all a nice demo with cool effects.
I liked a lot of the gfx work and the particles. Some of the fx/ideas were a bit old tho.
Looked awesome!
And don't worry about the mpeg for now, because it really does run on PC :)
And don't worry about the mpeg for now, because it really does run on PC :)
And don't worry about the mpeg for now, because it really does run on PC :)
The problem with the mpeg is that is very lowres (and also probably bad framerate) and has suffered alot of artifacts from compression.
The problem with the mpeg is that is very lowres (and also probably bad framerate) and has suffered alot of artifacts from compression.
Ah yea, hadn't watched the video version, saw it at the compo. :)
(hornet send0r .exe for re-encoding!)
Rocked Trsac bigtime! Really nice demo.
solid stuff - very good indeed. loopit, danish scene reprezent.. (btw; you wouldn't happen to be outracks-fans by any chance, do you? :)
good one.
Cool demo, especially the first couple of parts are nice. I realy like the particles.. Keep it comming
hehe has to agree with gloom. if what I read between his lines is what he wrote between his lines... some parts remined me of outracks-demos. Only not as smooth as the Outtracks-demos. Some cool parts and some not so cool parts in this one. Thumb up for designing a pcdemo with some other stuff than flybys on glowing particles.
Nice one.
liked it
Thank you for that Løgpit! - Keep 'em coming, and don't be that unsure if the demo is ok or not ;) Guess we'll see you at SE again :)
i just see a bitmap but not a demo... you just "release" something what not really exist ...yet...
i think it's a way more lame than releasing an alfa version with some bug and later a final. it's make me sad, and i really thinking about thumbing down this one just because it and don't care about the quality of the prod ...
i think it's a way more lame than releasing an alfa version with some bug and later a final. it's make me sad, and i really thinking about thumbing down this one just because it and don't care about the quality of the prod ...
Didn't get me quite as much as the S by Suspend, but pretty cool demo. Best part is the lightball
generally really good stuff, but some parts do not fit to this demo
nah, not good, not bad.
I want more!
Overall a nice demo, with some cool visuals(and not so cool ones)
give us ogg/mp3/etc of the music in the demo! :)
According to the video, demo is good.
But some parts in the beginning are too long. And all the things should be done with shadows :)
But some parts in the beginning are too long. And all the things should be done with shadows :)
i really like this one! thanks guys...
Very enjoyable demo. I look forward to see more great stuff.
Awesome effects, yes! And music also reminds me to The S. It's very detailed, and some subtle gfx effects are really nice to watch. Good work!
Way to go loopit, jumping into the top ten of the month! Keep it up.
a week passed.
binaries ?
binaries ?
Looks good, good synching, the music is too "trance" for my taste... Nevertheless, good work!
Looked good and awesome music.
Now where is the binary file ? :)
Now where is the binary file ? :)
Wow, I've seen the video but the binary download link doesn't work here :(
No, no, it works now with right click save as
Decent demo. I was expecting more, but it was cool. I like the simple stuff with nice colors.
However, what's with the low resolution? :(
However, what's with the low resolution? :(
Nice moments inside, and a good "goa-trance-like-style" soundtrack.
Right at the moment where I gave up on it and went for a 6600 GT, you guys released an ATI-patched version. I hate you guys ;)
Looks extremely decent, though laserbeams coming from frickin' speakers are a bit tacky. You danes sure love beams :)
Looks extremely decent, though laserbeams coming from frickin' speakers are a bit tacky. You danes sure love beams :)
ati version crashed (x800pro) - vid looks k..technically a good job for sure but a little bit zZZz..
some outstanding scenes mixed with some absolutely tedious ones. the good outweighs the bad tho and the soundtrack is rock solid too.
Nice stuff! Good re-use of the old Andromeda disco ball from Nexus 7 ;)..
My hardware was a bit too weak for it, so I had to watch the video version though. (My oldtrusty Radeon9000 isn't that hot any longer :D)
My hardware was a bit too weak for it, so I had to watch the video version though. (My oldtrusty Radeon9000 isn't that hot any longer :D)
i love you. <3
i love you. <3
some parts better than outracks, some badder ;-)
It was worth installing latest catalyst for this one (crashed before). :)
megacool! thumbs up many times
demos the way i like it; crisp, energetic and extremely well timed/synced.
a tip: never _EVER_ change your camera on every measure severely, especially if you sync the same way to a drumfill. it confuses the viewer and becomes boring after roughly the 8th measure, so its a much better idea to only adjust the camera position on the path a bit or play around with the FOV/roll.
a tip: never _EVER_ change your camera on every measure severely, especially if you sync the same way to a drumfill. it confuses the viewer and becomes boring after roughly the 8th measure, so its a much better idea to only adjust the camera position on the path a bit or play around with the FOV/roll.
a bit repetitive, but it stills well coded :)
the violet-pointed flames rulz
the violet-pointed flames rulz
And again Quisten represents the exact same thing i'm thinking.. And i can't explain it more detailled so i'll just say: "what Quisten said"
cool like it
Speakers do not make very good light sources.
Some good scenes.
so niiiiice
Design is the best thing here. Damn liked it!
Final version... Radeon 9550 suxx, you mean?
I like it! Some good scenes in it, and overall good stuff
I love it! A great demo in every respect... beautiful effects, energetic, great fitting music and synth. Definitely one of my favourites of 2005.
immensely good
great cameras! too many graphicians for a prod I think, It turns it a little bit messy.. I will have to modify the design of one of my wip ones (too similar scenes to some in this one :P)
looks good!
and sounds good!
Complete and utter rulezing.
oh yes
Very slick and entertaining. Made a convincing impression at the party. Odd speaker fascination, though..
Love it! Great Speakerball, cool visuals!
some boring stuff but still very nice.
some very nice concepts with nice colors and perfect synchro
godt gået løgpit
rocks !
missed this one on its release. nice one!
we want more loopit demos
we want way more loopit demos !!!
Didn't find this on youtube, so uploaded that avi:
Nice goa trance demo with some early 3d, really like this one
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