Lick It by Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web] & Titan [web]
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popularity : 68% |
alltime top: #5739 |
added on the 2006-08-13 03:06:56 by Shazz^TRSi^MJJ ![]() |
popularity helper
rulez added on the 2006-08-13 04:11:11 by mSW 

No depth testing (which makes the objects look like shit), poor interference effect, unreadable scroller, karaokrap, ugly z fighting at the top of the lego pieces, tired guru meditation joke & bad controls layout in the asteroid game, how come it required 4 coders to achieve this ?
Only the greetings idea & h2o gfx are good.
Only the greetings idea & h2o gfx are good.
I forgot to mention about the insane 30mb the unpacked demo takes.
hm the music... oerks
The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the competition rules and to disqualify any entry which is not suitable for the competition for any reason. This includes anything violating german or international law.
While you guys were pretty good at manly dancing, I kinda doubt ripping music is a winner here :)
"Lick it" - a demo devoted to the art of irikos public relations technique!
hahahaha, another titan bloodbath!!
quality in some areas and enough content. brave to code on PSP also. but ripping music is not such a good choice imho. the game is a good bonus
should have been disqualified for the use of copyrighted material e.g. "Lick it" by "20 Fingers Feat. Roula". Thumb down for that, sorry...
ayatollah: I force no one to read my comments but it's nice that you noticed that one ;), and no i'm not crawling up markus's ass or anything, it's just a fact that the gfx are much better than the code here.
Or what would you prefer ? Sycophancy ?
This was a honest comment, take it or leave it but don't feel offended by it, that wasn't the point.
About "your" sound lib, when i heard you used libmikmod i just ran away, i won't use this shit even for money and it doesn't matter anymore.
And unless you've been hibernating under a rock during the past 2 months, you should know that i've got nothing to prove on that console ;D
Or what would you prefer ? Sycophancy ?
This was a honest comment, take it or leave it but don't feel offended by it, that wasn't the point.
About "your" sound lib, when i heard you used libmikmod i just ran away, i won't use this shit even for money and it doesn't matter anymore.
And unless you've been hibernating under a rock during the past 2 months, you should know that i've got nothing to prove on that console ;D
'If you just get enough people on stage, they won't see that it's actually rather boring!' and that's not mentioning the ripping.. sorry guys.. close but no cigar..
Oh, and if you do karaoke, at least do it in sync with the music! (that's pretty important for karaoke you now :))
ok who broke my high-score right before recording the avi in geonomomono-wars clone =)
hitch: astroids? coders cant game, i and i as professional gay console gamer can say i pretty much enjoyed the geometry wars clone :)
shazz; wheres the rtype one?! =) gimme
hitch: astroids? coders cant game, i and i as professional gay console gamer can say i pretty much enjoyed the geometry wars clone :)
shazz; wheres the rtype one?! =) gimme
Please use the PSP for something that's more righteous, it's such a powerful platform :(

thumbs for the platform (PSP) but this stuff is rather average.
yeah... roxxx
dunno how everybody else sees it but i enjoy demos mostly for their overall design - like in this demo; everything works together. cool release, thumbs up!
dubmood: you shouldn't generalize all titan members as here is some atari-scener involved who is in the scene for quite longer than you are.
ProstaforceTiTAN: don't say "TITAN 4 EVER" all the time... that's one reason why people think titan sucks.
Now for the release:
Nice release, nice gfx, could be an own music but im not against using commercial musics in demos.
ProstaforceTiTAN: don't say "TITAN 4 EVER" all the time... that's one reason why people think titan sucks.
Now for the release:
Nice release, nice gfx, could be an own music but im not against using commercial musics in demos.
create an avi file please :) i wanna watch it too..
ltk_tscc: nobody of titan knows who ProstaforceTiTAN is, ppl start faking accounts to demotivate ... stupid idiots.
i aint involved in that product and have to admit i realy enjoyed it as ayatollah showed it to me on his psp and it rocked the party and the bigscreen. thatfore not piggy but rulez ;)
i aint involved in that product and have to admit i realy enjoyed it as ayatollah showed it to me on his psp and it rocked the party and the bigscreen. thatfore not piggy but rulez ;)
Dubmood is a fucking idiot
prostaforce is a fake user, most likely a friend of buttnoob
avi up soon
and limp ninja was dancing onstage! =)
prostaforce is a fake user, most likely a friend of buttnoob
avi up soon
and limp ninja was dancing onstage! =)
You know, titan people, if people don't like your prods it's more productive to try to make better ones instead of getting laughed at on pouet. Especially if the prod in question is as uninspired and crappy as this one. Where's the PSP coolness?
(not to mention ripping music and entering the prod in a compo.. tsk tsk)
(not to mention ripping music and entering the prod in a compo.. tsk tsk)
ayatollah, which makes a difference exactly HOW? you know, samples ripped from a commercial track stay ripped no matter how long you don't release it.
now let's look at the rest: effects that stopped being cool over 10 years ago (and poorly implemented aswell), "karaoke" that is off-sync (making it even more pointless than it was to begin with), and all of it shown for far too long. some of the gfx are nice-ish, but that's it.
now let's look at the rest: effects that stopped being cool over 10 years ago (and poorly implemented aswell), "karaoke" that is off-sync (making it even more pointless than it was to begin with), and all of it shown for far too long. some of the gfx are nice-ish, but that's it.
in fact i'm not sure if the vocals are really samples from the original. virgill is known to always have female vocalists at hand.
but yeah, this is a very obvious remake of a commercial tune and should have been disqualified in my opinion. i guess we organizers were too tired to notice.
still the thumb goes upwards for the graphics and design.
but yeah, this is a very obvious remake of a commercial tune and should have been disqualified in my opinion. i guess we organizers were too tired to notice.
still the thumb goes upwards for the graphics and design.
video, anyone?
video is on the way to, just wait a few hours.
for my krawallbrause friends in trsi
and limp ninja was dancing onstage! =)
you wish you had half as many people on stage as there where during either 'rob is jarig' and 'ryg is jarig'
I thumbed down a demo I didnt like, I didnt even mention TiTAN, whats up with you guys? Its you who mentioned titan! that just proves the point though. No alien I have no clue who prostaforce is and I have no interest in fakenicking titanmembers on pouet. so plz, right now you are creating a problem, where there was none. You take yourselves to god damn serious my friends. oh and go ahead and deny the fact of irokos asslicking. please! do that.
Ok, so prostaforce is either rm/Jumalauta or Sauli/Jumalauta :) I dont know if Sauli is the right way for it to be written, but that should be something like that :)
ihr seid doch alle kinder :)
oldschool forever :)
oldschool forever :)
<dubmood> and I wount under no circumstances, work with anyone, from titan.
<dubmood> exept for alien
speaking of taking yourself too serious...what makes u think that i still want to work with u? forever?
<dubmood> exept for alien
speaking of taking yourself too serious...what makes u think that i still want to work with u? forever?
haha indeed... du(m)bmood who the hell do you think you are. you're acting like some oldschooler crawled out from his cave. but face it, you're just a grown up kid.
oldschool forever :)
but the demo is really a bit cheap, i would have expected a bit mit :)
but the demo is really a bit cheap, i would have expected a bit mit :)
how old is that quote alien? a year or so? dipswitch: where do I act like an oldschooler by thumbing down a prod I dont like, and pointing out that someone has abit to much human excrement in his mustache?
Lick it Suck it.
its 2 months old actually and yur not acting like an oldskooler at all, oldskoolers show respect for eachother, and the last 2 years u have done nothing else than acting like shit
dubmood, face it, if you hate me so much, why dont you ignore me, simply? C'mon, even kids can do that, am i wrong? If you just cant stand me, then ok, the whole scene knows it, but please, stop trolling with your idiot shit in every prods we do, you just dont help you at all. You'll fit well in Marseille dude, the french gay town, acting like women, and looking for everyone to look at them.. Grow up dubmood, you're everything but someone being able to give advices on whatever.
dumbmood, i was referring to the quote alien posted. which made me laugh. and cry.
get the video somewhere already or i'll base my vote on this very comment thread! :)
mmh, idiot. don't pointlessly insult Marseille and its people. that's so retarded.
nice graphics, by the way.
nice graphics, by the way.
ah, cause being gay is an insult towards anyone? Afaik no. Nerv, go get a clue, you just insulted gays peoples, and you just cant understand any word that's being told here.
oh man, yeah oldschoolers have always shown respect for "eachothers". wtf are you talking about? since when did "oldschoolers" (whatever an oldschooler is) show more respect for anyone than a "normal" scener does?. And lets say oldschoolers did show more respect for "eachothers". Are you trying to say that irokos or titan are oldschoolers then? I dont get your point. I really dont.
irokos: oh, and you are voting for Le Pen in the upcomming election? have you ever even been to Marseille? I am amazed that anyone could get the picture of marseille as a gay town, but maybe it depends on what a man is looking for ey?.
dipswitch: and wtf does that quote have to do with oldschoolers? What I express in that quote, is that All the titanmembers ive encounterd sofar, exept for alien (yes still) has been retards. And I guess its thoose who show their stupid faces here on pouet, the "oldschoolers" that lotek talks about doesnt seem to stick out as much (and ive never seen them, nor know who it is, I judge from the ones I see). Is it strange that you get such a picture of Titan then? I dont think so... If someone in the same sentence refers to a whole city as a gaycity and then tells me to grow up? whops he happend to be the leader of the group too. Then add the fact that he is licking so much ass, that his insecurity blends through so much, even on irc, that he have to add "LOL" two or three times per sentence. Now, did I thumb down this prod because it sucked, and had ripped music? Yes! Did I thumb down other Titanprods because they sucked and because of the general behaviour of other titanmembers in the thread or involved in the prod? Yes! Did I thumb up titanprods that I liked? Yes! Does all titanmembers (+ the ppl irokos recently liked ass at) group together to try to bash and haras anyone who thumbs down their prods? Yes! Is that the way of showing respect that Alien talks about? Maybe, you tell me. I bet there are other titanmembers that doesnt fit to this description, but I am yet to meet them (looking forward to it though, I hate to have such a negative view of a whole group, I am a nice guy really!) Untill then, cut the crap.
irokos: oh, and you are voting for Le Pen in the upcomming election? have you ever even been to Marseille? I am amazed that anyone could get the picture of marseille as a gay town, but maybe it depends on what a man is looking for ey?.
dipswitch: and wtf does that quote have to do with oldschoolers? What I express in that quote, is that All the titanmembers ive encounterd sofar, exept for alien (yes still) has been retards. And I guess its thoose who show their stupid faces here on pouet, the "oldschoolers" that lotek talks about doesnt seem to stick out as much (and ive never seen them, nor know who it is, I judge from the ones I see). Is it strange that you get such a picture of Titan then? I dont think so... If someone in the same sentence refers to a whole city as a gaycity and then tells me to grow up? whops he happend to be the leader of the group too. Then add the fact that he is licking so much ass, that his insecurity blends through so much, even on irc, that he have to add "LOL" two or three times per sentence. Now, did I thumb down this prod because it sucked, and had ripped music? Yes! Did I thumb down other Titanprods because they sucked and because of the general behaviour of other titanmembers in the thread or involved in the prod? Yes! Did I thumb up titanprods that I liked? Yes! Does all titanmembers (+ the ppl irokos recently liked ass at) group together to try to bash and haras anyone who thumbs down their prods? Yes! Is that the way of showing respect that Alien talks about? Maybe, you tell me. I bet there are other titanmembers that doesnt fit to this description, but I am yet to meet them (looking forward to it though, I hate to have such a negative view of a whole group, I am a nice guy really!) Untill then, cut the crap.
video capture please :)
Too bad some people keep posting shit here instead of using email, phone, poobombs or battlefields...
Don't you people realize you annoy almost everybody on Pouet with your redundant rantings and retarded quarrels? You might also entertain some others I guess, but still, at best all this shit makes you look like buffoons...
Too bad some people keep posting shit here instead of using email, phone, poobombs or battlefields...
Don't you people realize you annoy almost everybody on Pouet with your redundant rantings and retarded quarrels? You might also entertain some others I guess, but still, at best all this shit makes you look like buffoons...
We are the greetings? ;)
why just you dont make better prods on one of the greatest platforms like psp? and stop this here? *sigh*
I was expecting better from the makers of Karaoke Sing-along!
euhm the makers of karaoke sing along (me red & ej) where not really involved in this prod.....
just so u know!!!
just so u know!!!
Poorly implemented, poorly coloured and boring to say the less.
video added.
very nice prod i loved to dance to it... =)
Thanks for the video link dip.
nothing to see code-wise and some graphics were nice and polished but not really that interesting. What really ruined it was that the music was totally unbearable!
+ trigonometry wars
-- music and cheap animations
-- music and cheap animations
should've been at least 3 times shorter... music makes it almost unbearable.
i like this!
I really enjoyed this was great at the party
very cool prod !
I forgot to mention:
Put this line inside your program's main loop so the backlight won't switch off during the demo:
Put this line inside your program's main loop so the backlight won't switch off during the demo:
Nice graphics but extremely boring. Idea for greetingspart is nice, too bad there are so many glitches. The "hidden" game is a nice addition but I don't really like it.
what shifter said..
Too long and boring. The game seemed like more fun than the demo.
I'll be damned! They are actually singing: "You gotta face it so that I can get HYDE!!!". Apart from that, and h2o's usual good work I wasn't really carried away.
Big fat gfx thumb.
rockn wa die psp :)
even the great gfx can save it from a thumb down...
crappy track but quite fine execution... a pig?
ripped music and somehow totally out of sync on my psp CFW3.52
endpart rulez!! nice tune :D
This doesn't work on a Slim with 5.00 M33-U6 and LEDA .2 nor does it work with eLoader.
saw this on a friends psp when it got released but forgot to thumb it up
for the oldschool drama-queens, they dont make 'em like this anymore.
wow, misses my thumb still!
And that while i keep playing it once a month! ;)
And that while i keep playing it once a month! ;)
I missed mine too.
Do not believe my eyes that it was in 2006...
Time passes by REALLY FAST.................
Do not believe my eyes that it was in 2006...
Time passes by REALLY FAST.................
thumb up!
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