f07 - The Function 2007 Invitation by Conspiracy [web]
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popularity : 77% |
alltime top: #144 |
added on the 2007-08-05 02:33:54 by zoom ![]() |
popularity helper
fuckings to assembly organizing
rulez added on the 2007-08-05 02:34:18 by el mal 

Great invitation.
Great design, kickass tune! Thanks for the Win conversion - enjoyed it a lot!
lotsa lovelyness
the scene in the screenshot was the best of the demo, which (in difference from chaus theory) didn't get damaged as much by the replay IMO... this will probably end up #2 or #3 in my book.
Not anything fresh, but i like the effects in the middle part. Didn`t like the blending of the effects though. But a nice solid demo, so thumbs up. But next time be more creative :)
this is actually cns' first demo if i'm not mistaken, so congratz! :)
i love the high energy in there and it's a really cool demo. minor nag is that like binary flow, it's really slick, but it doesn't work as an invitation. (sure, the party is mentioned regularly, but it still feels like an aside).
i love the high energy in there and it's a really cool demo. minor nag is that like binary flow, it's really slick, but it doesn't work as an invitation. (sure, the party is mentioned regularly, but it still feels like an aside).
indeed full of energy! =P.. very enjoyable prod!
One of the better invitation intros I've seen ... And I mean that by this being a good demo, but not really invitation-ish
Nigga please, is this a joke? One of the worst demos in the compo imo.
Well, that was informative. way to go guys, good to see you've whored yourselves out the right cause -a free 360 for an obligatory invite that is not even half as captivating as the asm 2005 invite. Go back to 64k already.
And fuckings to whoever got sand in his vagina during the showing of this entry at the compo -you made me watch this fucking TWICE.
And fuckings to whoever got sand in his vagina during the showing of this entry at the compo -you made me watch this fucking TWICE.
bohoo. this was good btw.
was really cool, although some parts were all too mixed together and was impossible to discern what was going on (specially at the end if I recall properly).
ryg : actually I thought the same thing, but apparently Gargaj insists on that this is their second demo :). The first one was for Intel Demo Compo 2006.
On the other hand this was a really nice energetic and immensely powerful demo/invtro. It's damn great!
On the other hand this was a really nice energetic and immensely powerful demo/invtro. It's damn great!
I really like this. The music and all the energy in this one rules! Definitely one of my favourites in the compo.
Just great, especially the soundtrack rocks.
good job
lack of content and seems not to fit well together... but some nice things so piggy
nice visuals, good soundtrack, windows port
this gives me a way to go dancing today! cool sync in visuals! bestest track by gargaj ;)
while ASD and CNCD offer story demos these days, this one is one of those typical demos which we've seen for years, showing just various, excellent looking effects. And I really love it! great choice of colors, great style and kickass music. My Nr. 3 in the compo after the two first mentioned prods.
oh, and thanks for the windows port! you rule!
Augh, can't install this on my xbox.. "Error 2302: Thumbnail file size must be less than 16 kilobytes"
Really nice as always. Very cool music by Xenophobe!
Sorry guys, but this smells like heavy recycling at some places, at least idea-wise... Maybe it was intentional, but well... Still it's a beauty, and the soundtrack is okayish. So, not my favourite CNS product, but still, good enough to not thumb it down. But you can really do it better...
oops, it works anyway
Can't be piggy but it didn't really make it for me. However, it's intended to be a party invitation not a bunch of breakthrough performances so nice demo anyway.
The music is nice but the mix ain't that good IMHO.
The music is nice but the mix ain't that good IMHO.
so coool !!
very good, i like it a lot!
music by Xenophobe? oops! i thought it was gargaj :D great track!
One of my favourites in the democompo. The music was awesome.
it was quite nice in parts, but rather meh in places. you guys can do way better. music was good.
You don't need a good coder with such designer and it shows.
Zoom: Talking about contrasting colours... ;) Good job guys.
it's good
thank you
thank you
the soundtrack was fucking awesome -fuckings to hartwall areena's sound system >:(
excellent. my real cup of tea ;) enjoyed much more than other entries.
I was actually glad they showed this twice because I liked it so much :)
Even though there's nothing groundbreaking in here, i like it. Slick visuals, and a cool energetic soundtrack that manages to drag you through the thing in virtually zero time. I must say this is, in the best sense of the word, really nice :)
Finally something bigger than 64k by cns..
Great! and a smart move to release the windows port so soon! Looking forward the the new cns new gen. 64kb ;-)
Great! and a smart move to release the windows port so soon! Looking forward the the new cns new gen. 64kb ;-)
for the first-cns-demo-guys: duality
i'll watch this one later... if it runs :)
i'll watch this one later... if it runs :)
it runs. liked the structure2+galiwm part. good work cns \o/
Knows only one direction: Forward.
What kb said. Kickass music.
a very nice invitation! well done, good direction, and music, as always. see you on function!
great shit!
For the first time ever, i wanna go to Hungary
Deserved better. Seems more finished and consistant than the top 3 imo. I didn't like the quick flashing at the end and you could have shown the sawblade a bit longer.
woah... right. now I see why you didn't bring a 64k! Nice work, once again. Nice tune too.
BoyC: could you please make the mp3 available for download?
slick as hell - loving it :) if i wasn't planning a different trip around the time function is arranged, i would come too. kudos on getting that special xna-prize as well!
nothing too special here, but the overall nice ride and psy-tranc'ish soundtrack saves the thumb
one of the better demos at Assembly 2007 - thumb up for the music!
sorry guys, but no. you are my friends, but i have to say it without a sugar coating. this isnt good.
ok, no - it's not that it's badly done or anything, and i dont think zoom is actually capable of making something downright ugly, and it's a perfectly watchable and efficient design. but come on. this is one of the cheapest things ive seen in ages. it's like you took the biggest, most hackneyed set of demoscene cliches ever and put them in one by one, added a cheesy-ass soundtrack and some flashy sync and shoved it out the door. cubes? glow? lines? even a tunnel - it's all present and correct. it's like a new version of binary flow, which wasnt exactly innovative or that interesting 2 years ago and in 64k.
if this is what demo style is supposed to be, if this is good direction, then my mind must be wired wrong. and i dont know how you won the xbox prize over two much better demos.
ok, no - it's not that it's badly done or anything, and i dont think zoom is actually capable of making something downright ugly, and it's a perfectly watchable and efficient design. but come on. this is one of the cheapest things ive seen in ages. it's like you took the biggest, most hackneyed set of demoscene cliches ever and put them in one by one, added a cheesy-ass soundtrack and some flashy sync and shoved it out the door. cubes? glow? lines? even a tunnel - it's all present and correct. it's like a new version of binary flow, which wasnt exactly innovative or that interesting 2 years ago and in 64k.
if this is what demo style is supposed to be, if this is good direction, then my mind must be wired wrong. and i dont know how you won the xbox prize over two much better demos.
(oh, bad luck with the sound system AGAIN. :) it's almost like you snuck some bum frequencies in there to fuck up the sound and get it played twice.. ;) )
Quite good!
nothing to get a erection about it but quite ok
smash: yeah, like you know anything about design. don't you read pouet? your demos are _inconsistent_!!!!!!111oneoneone
it works decently as an invite but i wouldnt play it again.. just seemed like a cliche 64k in 12 megs..
the cliches still work quite well and the soundtrack does have energy. but it really feels like something is missing, especially when compared to previous conspiracy productions
Very polished, powerful with a energetic track.. Very good :)
polished till it sparkles - hope the quality is an indication of the compos!
what preacher said
64k'ish visuals - it's difficult to remember what was one single scene about. and i quite disagree about the soundtrack which is hardly listenable :). nice drums but melody is dull. also very boring. sorry.
To be honest it was not very good. The whole stuff was rather ugly.
Thumb up anyway as it does the job as an invitation.
Thumb up anyway as it does the job as an invitation.
Ugly might be a little bit strong. Let's say it was not my taste and "Debris/Chaos Theory was better" ;)
Congrats for trying something else than the usual 64k intros btw.
Congrats for trying something else than the usual 64k intros btw.
This demo rocked! It was perfect and designed 110% for my taste! I cannot understand how you people didn't like it.
Some nice colourful run-of-the-mill demoeffects, moderately stylish. Music started interesting but quickly became too ravy for my taste.
Cool, nice flow, looks nice! Looks like a demo for me! :D
It's amazing to see that, 10 years later, radial blur is stil considered a cool effect to use. :)
Dynamic soundtrack and visuals, surely draws the attenition. The 'shuriken' stuff was the best part. Fave xbox release at Asm for me. It does the job as an invitro very well...
Reminds me of the standard 3d engine test, 99 :)
skrebbelsuperfan: just go and give a cdc to some dxm productions, they really need it :-)
The prod: I'm with those who thought it looked amazing on the big screen. Excellent colours and soundtrack. Worthy winner of the xna prize.
The prod: I'm with those who thought it looked amazing on the big screen. Excellent colours and soundtrack. Worthy winner of the xna prize.
Really nice stuff! I kind of feel sorry for Conpiracy prods for the bad karma at Assemblies
Don't some of you feel a bit pathetic with their coments and thumb down ?
This is a nice demo really. It's welle polished well designed and I bet not 10 % of us are even able to do the same. Respect
This is a nice demo really. It's welle polished well designed and I bet not 10 % of us are even able to do the same. Respect
a demo that isn't boring to death :D
It's seems like some in here have forgotten what the scene is all about. Tis Conspiracy demo, which is their first was originally released as a XBOX 360 demo and not a PC demo. I very pleased that they did port it to windows that fast :) Of course it's not ground breaking or anything, but it's damn nice and most important it got soul.
It's like making your first scene production, you know, you production is not that good, mostly because your skills and experience aint fully developed yet, but most people can see your production got soul, because you like what you're doing.
About the demo itself, then i do think this demo got more soul than quality code and it wins with it. I even think there is a little inspiration from the saw of the Desert Dream demo by Kefrens, right guys?
And Smash, no matter how much i enjoy your productions, then you haven't really invented the wheel either, i mean lately your demos looks the same to me and your third place demo from Assembly isn't worth the third place if you ask me. But like any other scener you want to please the audience as much as Conspiracy wants, so i guess that put ya both in the same boat.
You can take the same with Farbrausch, lately their demos look the same, it's the same engine they uses and not matter how cool it looked to begin with, the worse it starts to show now. Debris isn't that groundbreaking if you look at the code, it's the idea and soul that made the difference and that's what Conspiracy succesfully archived here.
It's like making your first scene production, you know, you production is not that good, mostly because your skills and experience aint fully developed yet, but most people can see your production got soul, because you like what you're doing.
About the demo itself, then i do think this demo got more soul than quality code and it wins with it. I even think there is a little inspiration from the saw of the Desert Dream demo by Kefrens, right guys?
And Smash, no matter how much i enjoy your productions, then you haven't really invented the wheel either, i mean lately your demos looks the same to me and your third place demo from Assembly isn't worth the third place if you ask me. But like any other scener you want to please the audience as much as Conspiracy wants, so i guess that put ya both in the same boat.
You can take the same with Farbrausch, lately their demos look the same, it's the same engine they uses and not matter how cool it looked to begin with, the worse it starts to show now. Debris isn't that groundbreaking if you look at the code, it's the idea and soul that made the difference and that's what Conspiracy succesfully archived here.
Yes, Enzymer, you have forgotten, or you never knew.
thanks for sorting that out optimus-style, sherlock!
Hell yeah!!! Maybe its a crowd pleaser and "cheap" but bloddy hell, it works for me....it would have gotten my vote at the compo....awsome track.....dnb-trance-hardcoreish ;)
to be a lil more verbose, few demos (except above-competition ASD ones) achieve such an optic, kinetic and synchronic smoothness :>
and what's the problem with pleasing crowd ?!? hello world, it was the Assembly :p
and what's the problem with pleasing crowd ?!? hello world, it was the Assembly :p
It's amazing to see that, 10 years later, radial blur is stil considered a cool effect to use. :)
It _is_ a cool effect after all. Next to bloom/glow it's the effect to go for when you don't have time/skill to work on the actual content and still want to make an impression. ;)
And no, this is not very good. But they know, so why argue. :)
nice.but earlier demos was better..
Ha, that was great. The tunnel sequence going red was a nice nod back to Zenith, too.
I like what tobe_mjj said, soul is the scene
oh yes1
uh, pretty lights! The fact that cns are able to do better, doesn't make this less great.
Video link: file not found :(
tomaes: Well I do think this demo still has some nice parts, mind you. It's just not mindblowing or anything, but that's okay. :)
absolutely loved it
Liked that one.
I was expecting more from conspiracy. I am sure you know what you have to do to improve over this :)
This is an OK demo for a beginner but not for you, guys
This is an OK demo for a beginner but not for you, guys
Seems uninspired, but still decent. It's better than I could do, at any rate.
It's the first time they do something in the machine!
It's not years behind STS for instance.
It's not years behind STS for instance.
music is a bit uninspired, and i loved the resonance/overdrive breaking heard at asm07 (propably due to a fucked up audio system with too much gain) which is lacking from the demo itself making it a bit too clean and bland. visuals were great, but some scenes were a bit too simple and dull, but hey, it's an invitation. nice design as a whole.
Hmm...fast paced intro with GREAT music.
Thats all.
Good work Xeno.
Thats all.
Good work Xeno.
no...graphics are worse then in other CNS 64k intros....and today with boring music
meh.. nothing really special, but does the work of an invitation better than some others. will reserve thumb for later.
smash: somehow your comment would've fitted perfectly for 1995 :-)
smash: somehow your comment would've fitted perfectly for 1995 :-)
Hmmm, okayish.
OMG! Wow, that was rad! Love the colors, the speed, etc. Music was decent too. I want to see more of these!
Just wicked! Especially on XBox O_o
Maybe the colors are too strong at some parts, but it deserves a thumb up :) I'll be there!
Maybe the colors are too strong at some parts, but it deserves a thumb up :) I'll be there!
I love the speed of the prod. and the music go's along with it perfect!
as good as chaos theory ! excellent work
Very good! Some parts looked great, especially that scene with lightning on the outer sphere.
Most popular party in centre europe? You wish! ;) Rest is o.k...
nice one :)
nice one this.
Nice tune, but visually I expected more... :|
IMBA prod! This is actually the best demo I've ever seen. I was waiting for release like this one for a really long time. Outstanding visuals and music. This is the most powerful design I've ever experienced, period.
Awesome design.
Great stuff for an invitation...kick ass soundtrack as well...
Highly enjoyable!
Does NOT run well on a Radeon9600PRO Mobility with 64 megs RAM, not even in 640x480x60hz ;)
However, still an awesome demo, great soundtrack and beautiful, beautiful colours.
Does NOT run well on a Radeon9600PRO Mobility with 64 megs RAM, not even in 640x480x60hz ;)
However, still an awesome demo, great soundtrack and beautiful, beautiful colours.
great invitation demo! ....Budapest...hmm..dont forget to lock ur cars, guys! LOL
I liked the visuals, but I still think there was something missing from them. Nice tune.
really really great, well done :)
hell yeah!
teh great
gooddamn music and everything :)
I saw this for the first time on the bigscreen at Buenzli and I immediately liked it. Totally cool music and nice flow. I had this "nice 64k invitation" thought so I am now a bit surprised that it's almost 11MB. ;) It is a nice invitation nevertheless, someone might call it cheap, I call it CNS style (and this is NOT meant as an insult!). :)
very different of others productions by conspiracy... but it's an invitation! :D ... good music and syncro
nice visuals. pretty entertaining =)
Superb tune. CNS style rulez again :)
managed to give some action before the buenzli 16 prizegiving. good execution and style!
awesome soundtrack and fitting visuals.
me likes a lot :)
me likes a lot :)
Not really great, but greatly well done, which is more than enough for a thumb up!
Wow, awesome! Music and visuals are both great and fit together perfectly. Only thing i didn't like was the filesize - it kinda looks as if it could've been done in less than 1MB (64k remake anyone?)
despite what those cry-babies might think, this is so beautiful :)
Excellent stuff here, killer soundtrack and that good old feeling is coming back. It has that good old "object show" feeling that I like very much, but in a 2007 way. Keep 'em coming!!
did I piggy this by accident :s I love this demo =)
My growing issue with Conspiracy is that I get the impression that all their demos are made from the same building blocks. I can´t see anything new in this one either, but it is surely beautiful in my eyes. The green-to-red gradient is a simple and powerful designeffect. Put together with the sync and the cool text-effect, and it becomes quite attractive.
really great demo.
Oh yeah! This is rely grate! :ASD
Terrific!! If this doesn't bring people to Function, then nothing will. Absolutely gorgeous use of colours. I fell totally for the pink hexagon sphere scene and the stuff in the credits which is very colourful yet manages to look great still. Music fits perfectly to the visuals aswell! Super electric!
this one is massive.
..and reminds me of certain outracks demos.. ;)
excellent tune and flow!
nice :)
nice Zak synced very well with eye-candy...i like a lot...!
One of the best invitations, rulez :)
Massive! love this one. it does as earlier mentioned remind me of some old outracks-demos (before they started making dull and boring demos ;) )
nice music!
looks good, although a bit slow, but the music sucks my balls.
Most of the demo seemed rushed and incoherent, but the best parts were great.
music, 3D graphics: f2007 logotype, 3D hexagonal cylinders forming a kernel within a hexagons surface sphere, tunnel, 3D balls ball floating and rotating, light 3D wireframes, rotating axis in the tunnel
party invitation with broadcast quality \m/
I miss this fantastic demo.
Conspiracy have made another masterpeice.
I love it !
Conspiracy have made another masterpeice.
I love it !
uristen, ezis menniyre sulyos!
Simply rules!
Alot of original ideas, and I love the hex balls.
And thanks for the greets ;)
Alot of original ideas, and I love the hex balls.
And thanks for the greets ;)
How can i run this demo on my windows XP PC? its a ccgame data. i tried to hang .exe on it but this didn´t work. How to play this demo?
Ah got it! Nice Demo!
music is insane!
very good =) music just rulez...) thanx you!
conspiracy rocks!
thumb for shit360 port ^^.
One of the first things I watched after I got myself a semi-decent graphics card and started watching my backlog of demos. Nice flow and energetic music. Thanks for the great show!
true techtrance!!! w000
wow, i managed to miss this one as it was released during my hectic house move.
Glad I found it...fantastic sense of energy!
Glad I found it...fantastic sense of energy!
Can't believe I've overlooked this until now. Great stuff, loved every second!
Hm? I was perfectly sure I voted for this before....
Okay visuals, annoying soundtrack.
loooooves it. and i too could have sworn i already thumbed it
this is the shit.
wow =)
great demo! (perhaps a bad invit.)
love that font, the first scene was awsome (green smoke and function f), good use of tempo, good atmosphere (quick and happy).
love that font, the first scene was awsome (green smoke and function f), good use of tempo, good atmosphere (quick and happy).
The soundtrack should have won a scene.org award. Shocking that it wasn't even nominated.
Roxxored, energyzing and fun to watch & listen.
fuck, and this is only the invtro =)
Such a great demo - granted there's nothing hugely complicated going on, but the track is so kickass and the edit really supports it well.
I love this music ! The rest of demo is pretty cool too, but this music man ! <3
damn how did i not comment yet, i love this one too, the energy in both the visuals and music get me buzzin' without drugs, kickass :)
Very, very enjoyable. Great energy and syncing :).
Absolutely mind blowing :D
I hadn't seen this one before. Looks good, sounds very good. That's good and that's a thumb from me.
rulez? massive rulez!
The visuals, althoguh crisp and clean, are obviously lacking. However, this demo is more enjoyable to watch than 90% of all demos out there. Why? Because of the AMAZING music and great camera movement, which completely turned this around.
Why haven't I seen this before now. That was very nice. Really good design. I saw the first 5 secs on youtube and then stoped it, and ran the windows version.
Think i'm gonna see it again. Thx for the port. :D
Think i'm gonna see it again. Thx for the port. :D
This music has like 3 notes and yet somehow it's better than anything I've ever written. (Also: If you're paying close attention, it looks like the spheres in the sphere-ball effect are rendered with 1 polygon each, using a depth buffer trick to make them intersect.)
Freakin' awesome!
One word: LAUTER! This is awesome!
This gives me wood.
mainly for the music
I really enjoyed the music :)
Is it possible to find the music in mp3 format somewhere ? I love this track
Boyc : Big thanks
not seen yet...
what everyone said
Hadn't thumbed this one up, my mistake.
Good direction in a couple of the scenes, but not good enough to make up for how boring the content is. Just boring to watch. And not that interesting to listen to, either.
for the music
there is no way for me to watch it, because I don't have XNA. :( nor will i be ready to pay for something like that.
how about XDK compiled version which you could watch with JTAG'ed Xbox 360?
how about XDK compiled version which you could watch with JTAG'ed Xbox 360?
What a ride!
Love the soundtrack and the blatant cliches in the visuals
perhaps he means OpenXDK? :)
Yes, but last I checked, porting < expensive privatized commercial licensing :D
havent seen it but its cns so it must be good! =)
shameless name-voting!
Nice visuals and colors, nice soundtrack, making it enjoyable. So here goes the thumb up.
But on the down side, this looks like a Binary Flow 2 with just a bit of Chaos Theory shake, but certainly not as good as any of those two great productions, even though some parts look polished. Also, it doesn't have the "invite" feeling.
But on the down side, this looks like a Binary Flow 2 with just a bit of Chaos Theory shake, but certainly not as good as any of those two great productions, even though some parts look polished. Also, it doesn't have the "invite" feeling.
Somehow missed it in 2007 ... but WOW ...
this one RULEZ !!!
Still very good.
After Chaos the best they produced. Music, synch, colours... all that makes this one of the best invits ever.
I love it! OK, there are no "super-effects" and some might consider it cheap, but it works. Flow, colours and soundtrack make it very effective.
Fuuuuuuuu, it's awesome!
Still rules.
nice, as the win32 conversion
Great stuff, very enjoyable and free of uber-particles and ray marching :)
Would've loved to give this demo a platform thumb, but this looks like a 64k, feels rushed, and features a lot of cheap and cliched effects, scenes repeated twice with different effects, and so on. The Windows version also slows down to a crawl on an OC'd GTX 460, go figure.
(The slowdown happens on the wireframe scenes in particular. For instance, the tunnel scene runs perfectly fine the first time, but stutters when the effect is applied near the end of the demo.)
There is a lot more to say on this one than my original comment.
I suppose you had some time pressure, because this prod is very uneven. Some parts are highly polished (the opening scene), while others are average when not just crap.
There are also some good ideas that seemingly got hammered into the prod without getting the attention they deserved first (the greetings and the credits). Also, the prod tries a Chaos Theory like built up, but again it feels like an after thought and in the end it doesn't really make it.
Anyway, some really good elements and some good visual taste, but a lack of time/attention.
I suppose you had some time pressure, because this prod is very uneven. Some parts are highly polished (the opening scene), while others are average when not just crap.
There are also some good ideas that seemingly got hammered into the prod without getting the attention they deserved first (the greetings and the credits). Also, the prod tries a Chaos Theory like built up, but again it feels like an after thought and in the end it doesn't really make it.
Anyway, some really good elements and some good visual taste, but a lack of time/attention.
overall very nice!
CeRi approves this message.
Very cool sound and visuals!
That's a fucking great invit! I guess I'll come to function '07 ;)

tunnels! wheres my time machine, i wanna go now.
r u ready for compo?
Very cool, loved the colours and overall demo style.
Energetic soundtrack. Visuals are not very innovative, but look slick nonetheless, so (weak) thumb up.
perfectly promotes demoscene atmosphere in the form of our beloved abstract objects. Including, but not limited to the hexagons, which are not viguorously pumping up and down as is tradition, but still.. And massive soundtrack!
Works for me!
I really do like this demo. Stylistically not my taste at all but... it just, works. And still looks good 10 years later. Even the music in all its cheesy pompousness kicks ass.
Rocks ! Very cool
I still like to watch this - mainly because of the music.
I like it a lot :) the soundtrack is just great!
nice 4. pace grap!
ancestor of PILEDRIVER
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