
wired '94 unplugged by Subnormals

        ³ WiRED'94 UNPLuGGED PaRTY RePORT            (C)1994 SuBNoRMaLS ³
        ³                             ³ Required úVGA                   ³
        ³   Release Date : 10/12/94   ³ Optional úGravis Ultrasound     ³
        ³                             ³          úSVGA                  ³

Interesting Stuff:

     -You might wonder why we have mostly filmed ourselves! well, if 
      you think that it is because we love ourselves and find us so
      cool, you are wrong (or partially at least!). The reason is
      that when we started to film, we had no idea we would make it 
      a report one day.

     -Some groups which were present, have not been captured on our
      camera, and it is with moist eyes that we tell them we are 

     -You might think Belgium atmosphere contains a special gas that
      makes everyone do funny faces, and move their hands in a 
      waveform fashion (including me!), well it is not true, it is 
      that we all thought we were being original by doing that.

     -You might think from the report that this party had at least as
      much girls as boys... none of that... the only two girls we found
      were Fanny from Melting Pot (A really cool girl!) and another 
      beautiful babe who sold the hot-dogs and colas... We could I think
      say that the target was quality, but not quantity.

     -You might be thinking this coder is a real weirdo, he could have
      compressed his animations more, and I say that it is at least 10
      times better, what am I saying! 100 times better than a FLI, and 
      that it was optimized to make the smallest ZIP possible.

      -The Graphics were done by B.S.M. (Rendered one), and Dyonisos
       members of Therapy, that well known (?) Amiga group...

The Subnormals Tribe:

(In alphabetical order, or 
 else conflicts could occur!)


Cara   (When he isn't sleeping !)
Slash  (When he isn't flirting !)
Spinal (When he isn't bugging  !)

GRAPHISTS: Ludo    (When he has a monitor !)
           Moebius (When his scanner is working !)

MUSICS:    Charlie (When he isn't making weird plans !)

The SubNormals Fans:

Darkness /IMPCDA  : When will the report be released , May I have a Beta ?!
Cobra    /Antares : Do Ya want royalties to put on my Party CD ?? (Not !)
Dush     /React   : I Saw a Bug ! 
Daneel   /React   : Gimme Back My Dorothee Magazine !

Tech(?) Stuff:

     -It is highly recommended to, if you have an SVGA, to view
      the thing in SVGA. It will not slow down the report since
      the mode is only used for fixed pictures.

     -We use VESA for displaying the 640x480x256Colors pictures
      and you might have to use UNIVBE.EXE if you are 
      experiencing problems... (On Hicolor cards)

     -The "Bjork makes me horny" Mode is the default mode.
      Unfortunately the module needs a GUS with 1 Meg of RAM
      however, all other modes work with a standard 512K GUS.

     -Try loading a Disk Cache like Norton Speedrive, if you want 
      to speed things up! 

     -The "Compatibility Modes" have not been extensively tested, 
      and your PCs speed might not correspond exactly to what we 
      thought it would, so you might have to fiddle a little.  

A Day On iNET !:

<Dush Outlaws FX on the keyboard> -> It seems they are now called React

<Dush>    Well, I've seen your report, and I notice somes minors bugs 
          (hard disk re-formating, power supply atomizing), but, with 
          some little modifications, I think you can release it for 
          95.... 2095....!

<Moebius> Ahhhh an Otl Fx member here what's it ? huu...Spinal what type 
          of bug have you coded again ...please stop scanning in windows
          magazine !....so right I think you could have done worst... 
          guess heheh..

<Spinal>  Yeps.. well.. I thank Dush for showing me those bugs... 
          Maybe I should start eating quiche soon I don't know.. But
          it is very hard to convert Visual Basic sources...

<Dush>    It's a good idea to starting eating quiche, but wait for a while.
          You know, eating quiche is a non-reversible act.

<Moebius> Ooooh I feel sooo sick....I think that my stomach doesn't like 
          Quiche...Burp !

<Spinal>  Anyways, here is our report.. You will notice that we have mostly
          filmed ourselves... 

<Dush>    Change your group's name into Narcisse, about your report, I hope
          it's, like Microsoft Windows, bugs free ;)

<BugFree> ?

<Bug>     Heheh... I'm gonna syntaxerrorize you on the whole line!

<Spinal>  They are not bugs, they are personal touches!

<Moebius> like the ending part...(Private Bug !)..

<Dush>    Private bug ??? I never heard about a private bug, Windows don't
          have any private bug, only very public ones, but you can have
          private jokes, (study your english a little more guyz)

<Spinal>  Not as buggy as Screamtracker 3.2 though... 
          Okay.. that is ENOUGH for bugs... how can you code when you have 
          two prying faces, blowing their nose in your neck, criticizing
          every line you write...

<Moebius> You are right ! the 'WORD' ends well with 'zing' but the first 
          letters are 'OPTIMI' hehehheh....

<Dush>    No Moebius, before optimizing anything, we are correcting, first, 
          any lines he's writing, coz "LecturePCX" doesn't work in TP.

<Spinal>  Geeez... thanx for the support guyz...

<Dush>    You're welcome....

<Spinal>  At least I don't spend my life doing lenses...

<Dush>    Me too... I met a girl... Hi slash :)

<Moebius> yeah but when you see the girl's face !

<Dush>    Of course, I meet a girl only if I know something about her.
          I don't scan the girl, at least, ME !

<Spinal>  This is like hearing Lord Cyrix pretending he has a sexual life!

<Moebius> If we're talking about girls we should be questionning an expert!

<Dush>    Yes, you're right, so, ask to Daneel ;)

<Moebius> I can't scan him anymore !

<Dush>    Not like your manga-graphics?

<Moebius> Oh well you remember me to update my abo at Dorothee Magazine 

<Daneel>  Yeps.. The love doctor is here <Generic Message>

<Dush>    Genetic message, yes....

<Moebius> Trisomy 21 ?

*** Daneel is now known as Corky

<Opper>   If, like a major guyz, you don't understand anything of those shit,
          remember that those guyz are crazy and strike poor little robot
          when the robot is gone... It's private joke only...
<Spinal>  Or a clown?

<Moebius> Out of order...

<Dush>    A little bit too drunk ?

Greetings : 

And from Spinal,
(in brainstorming order...)
Dush           - A poor lonesome coder
Torlock Pop    - Come-back time ?
Whitesnake     - Still in love with the ASCii table ?
Virtual Spirit - I'll buy you a compass so you find my house !
DJ Devil       - The Carolos go high-tech ?
Nic            - Still waiting for your Wired intro !
Pom            - Sorry for being such a light supporter !
PL             - I like your graphics !
Darkness       - Partying with cops is cool !
Mikee Mouse    - BLowing a fuse ?
Dr. Vibe       - Wanna chat?
Felix          - Major ... cool !
Diogenes       - Still stuck on your amiga ?
Willy Wonka    - Waiting for YOUR Wedtro!
Master Coke    - I want to meet that girl who answers your phone !
Trixter        - Waiting for the BornTro
Ghory          - 1st place...      
Tipan          - Damn... won't see you for a while...
Khy            - Got a sore neck from bending over the other terminal?
White Wizard   - Colette's boat is ready !
Jailcoder      - Domos, where the girls fuck tourists !
Compunk        - Still waiting for you to scare my landlord...
Cobra          - You look cool with a camera on your shoulders
Access         - No SB this time.. sorry !
Burps          - Still out breaking the law ?
Blitz          - Do you use the intro ?
The Horde      - You really are a HotShot !
Fanny          - Wish I knew more girls like you !
BSM            - Proved to me that raytracing is an art.
Dyonisos       - Yeah!
Alkaid         - Too bad Namur is so far !
Ricco          - You really like uploading huh ?
Arcadian       - Doomed ?

Moebius Scanned Greetings !

WhiteWizard       - Don't forget my sucettes at the The Party 4 if you want
                    to become our Distro Site in Canada
Nik (EMF)         - I'll give you our version of DeluxePaint !
PL (IMPCDA)       - 2400 Bps isn't enough at all by a USR V.Everything !
Felix             - The 2 Gig Backup man a week !
Chip (a.k.a Debs) - I know Felix ate all your SantaClaus gift 
Darkness (IMPCDA) - Yeah the report is finished !
Fakir Johnny      - My mister Log ! ;)
Dush (OTL Fx)     - I think now you really need lenses !
Kauzmedia (OTL Fx)- a new headphone for xmas ?
Willy Wonka       - a women are so strange !
Torlock           - No no it is not me , it is the other guy !
                    Hope to see your bbs back soon online !
Jnz               - Do ya want to try to code on PC !;)
Mr.Hyde (THY)     - Paris Match have bought the photo for $ 10,000
Dionysos (THY)    - Mayday are really coool !
Alkaid (THY)      - Ooh an intro on snes
BSM (THY)         - I know Imagine 3.0 is better than 3Dstudio (?)
Maly (OTL Fx)     - Still ambiencing the world ?!..
WhiteSnake        - We are waiting now a new  ansi collection !
Cara (SubN)       - When Magic Cara will be released ?! ;->
Apache & DJ Devil - Now we have rippped you something...try to find ! 
Ukko (Zuul)       - Hope to meet you on TP4 ! 
Diogenes          - Is Cybercafe still there ? ;)
Ludo (SubN)       - No don't tell me  you can't draw hehehhe..
All iNET Guyz     - pppf they are too many of you !
Riccobono         - What !?  you need a another HD ! ;)
Arcadian          - Next time magic carpet on a network !     
Charlie (SubN)    - A call costs nothing !
Strider (FLT)     - Naaah I don't want to drive you again at Zaventem
                    Airport ....(joking...!)
Pat               - Hope to see you soon !
Lem (TRB)         - Hope your game will support the GUS ...or else it'll be
                    the worst one !
Arkel (THY?)      - where is my 1.000 Bef !
MadMartigan       - Mars...what a beautifull planet !
Cobra (Antares)   - System/X Rulez !
Access (Antares)  - Irc Irc Irc !

It is strictly forbidden to sell this program without contacting us first.
Anyone doing so, agrees to equip us within the next 15 days with a silicon
graphics station, as well as a lifetime subscription to Dr. Dobbs magazine, 
to each of our members.                                                        