
ofFlimitS v1.1 by Fuzzion [web]

ofFlimitS musicdisk: spanish intro64k modules
v1.1!final 2001 (c) fuzzion productions

ofFlimitS is a compilation of the most famous spanish intro64k 
modules including some info, a nice interface and a lot of features.

music from> acidbeat, awesome, bpm, d0lby, data, dascon, deep noise, 
djuno, estrayk, evelred, frizhard, goreboy, ham, heatbeat, hyunkel, 
jcl, jelly, joice, luk, mam, marathon-man, muffler, naif, neno, 
nork, overflow, sace2, sergiodj, smash!, sml, wally, wavemaker, 
wonder and zephyr.

disk from> drpitch.code ccm.code threepixels.dezign sml.org&idea

send comments&files: sml@fuzzion.org
www.fuzzion.org | www.threepixels.org