
Xanubis by Structured Noise

____________                    _____                   _________
__  ___/_  /___________  _________  /____  ___________________  /
_____ \_  __/_  ___/  / / /  ___/  __/  / / /_  ___/  _ \  __  / 
____/ // /_ _  /   / /_/ // /__ / /_ / /_/ /_  /   /  __/ /_/ /  
/____/ \__/ /_/    \__,_/ \___/ \__/ \__,_/ /_/    \___/\__,_/   
					     _____   __     _____             
					     ___  | / /________(_)___________ 
					     __   |/ /_  __ \_  /__  ___/  _ \
					     _  /|  / / /_/ /  / _(__  )/  __/
					    /_/ |_/  \____//_/  /____/ \___/ 

	Releasedate :     15.04.2006
	Place       :     The Gathering 2006
	Name        :     Xanubis

	Code        :     John Doe and cASTle
	GFX & Music :     Spacix
	Length      :     4 min 28 sek

	Size        :     Too big!!!!


    John Doe woke up with the wrong foot :P He told he didnt want 
    his name on the release this morning. But he changed his mind 
    while the demo started look like one. Luckily. Because he has 
    a lot of hours behind the code in this demo. 

    Me, cASTle, is tired. Been up for many hours. Living on cafee.

    Spacix is a crewmember in the info-desk at The Gathering. He 
    have been drawing pictures behind the desk ;) 

    Sad for us, we had greater plans with this demo, than we achived.
    Time has been a problem for us. And also openGL, has been a 
    nightmare. :P We hope to release something more prepared in
    the future.