
Breakpoint 2009 Party Slideshow by Alcatraz [web]

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                                .            .
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      |_______/    \/       yop |_______/        \_______/|_______/

                                       Everything was under Control!
            a fast-made slideshow from the Breakpoint Party in 2009

        ____/\ _ __/\  _ ______ _ __/\  __  _ ______ __/\       |
       /  _ //__ __ \\     ___/_ __  \\(__)_.      / _ //___  . |
      /    \/   \ / _/___ __)____ /    \    |_ ___/__ \/    \ . |
      \_________/_\      \_ __  /______/___  /_| _ _________/ : |
     - -- ---------\______/===\/===========\/==============>> | :
         .         : .                                        | .         .
         .         | |   Code .................- .... s7ING   |
         :         : |   Intro Graphics........-..... Dic4b   |           .
         :         : |   Graphics (picture)....-.... Sayris   |           .
         |         . |   Graphics (menu) ......-..... Peach   |           .
      _  |     ___   |   Music ................-..... Keito   |   ___     :  _
     /_  |   _\\ //  |   NfO dESiGN .... YOP/ShRiMPS dESiGN   |  \\ //_   |  _\
      //_|__\\    //_|__                                    __|_\\    //__|_\\
         |           : //______                      ______\\ :           |
         :           .        //____ __ _  _ __ ____\\        .           |
         .                                                                |
         . pRESS LMB on Photos to go into fULL sCREEN mode & RMB to go    |
         . back into mENU mODE...                                         |
         .                                                                |
         . Greetings to our friends in: Rebels, Brainstorm, Nuance, TRSI, |
           Fairlight, Bonzai Bros., Scoopex, Bitfellas, Haujobb, BDSE,    :
         . UK Scene All Stars, Mercury, Creative Minds, Shrimps Design    .