
shorty by Torment [web]

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|           === presents ===           |
|           === 'shorty' ===           |
|           === relesaed ===           |
|           ===    at    ===           |
|           === sun rise ===           |
|           ===   2011   ===           |
|                                      |
| just a little intro put together for |
| sunrise 2011 in delightful Luton ... |
| As ever, some old code has been used |
| but its -new old code- :) all being  |
| well, this intro should have a new   |
| tune from rhino, new gfx from spiny  |
| and newish code from GND, modded a   |
| bit by spiny to add the music replay |
| and gfx swappery. Its called 'shorty'|
| cos its short. s, h, ort. :)         |
| enjoy ! spiny - 10/09/2011 - Luton   |
| Full credits:                        |
| Original Scroller Code: GND          |
| Modded by: spiny                     |
| GFX: spiny, Fuse, Baldur             |
| Chip: Rhino                          |
|                                      |
| scroller code circa 1993, the rest   |
| put together in September 2011. It's |
| nothing special, but it was fun to   |
| make, and thats why I did it :)      |
| spiny - about 30seconds from the     |
| entry deadline :)                    |